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"Hold still." An officer said as he took pictures of my back, legs, and arms.

I couldn't believe I was doing this, but like Odell said, it's one of the only ways to keep Xander off of my back.

Odell wasn't here with me at the moment, he was somewhere in Baton Rouge and New Orleans. He had to visit a few people, but he promised he'd be back before Xander was supposed to get here.

"Okay, Ms. Swaine, we put a warrant out for his arrest, if he is found based on these pictures I'd say the minimum he could be sentenced with is 10 to 15 years, but who knows maybe the jury will put him away longer." He said flipping back and forth in between them.

"Okay, is that all I need." I asked.

"Yes, just sign the written statement here and you can be on your way."

I signed on the dotted line and grabbed my purse.

"Thanks." I told him turning toward the door.

"No problem, it's our job." He called out.

I pulled my keys out of my purse and unlocked my car doors. Winter out here in New York is no joke. I cranked the heat up and put my seat warmer on.

You can be outside for three minutes and your hands will freeze in this weather.

Now I was on my way to my job.


"It's good to see you Ms. Swaine." The receptionist said as I walked toward the head of my department's office.

"Nice to see you to." I lied mentally rolling my eyes. I didn't care to see here, and I know she didn't care to see me either.

I knocked on the door to his office and after hearing his come in I turned the knob.

"Good afternoon, what could I do for you?" Mr. Brawn said readjusting his beige scarf. He came out of the closet to us a few weeks ago be we already knew.

"Good afternoon to you to, I needed to see if I could possibly transfer locations temporary." I said sitting down.

"What would be the problem?"

"It's more personal."

"Oh I see, umm, well how long do you want this transfer to be? I can work out something with the location on 5th street near Brooklyn. It's far less classy than you are though so I'm not sure-"

"Well then I might just have to-"

"Your not quitting on me so don't even say that, what ever happened, I'm sure you can work out and possibly stay, because we honestly really need you to stay here." He said getting less professional by the minute.

"Well then 2 months temporary leave and I'll be back." I said trying to compromise a deal.

"Crystal, your out executive editor for our magazines. We roll out new ones every other day, that's roughly 15 to 16 magazines that won't be edited by you."

"Well I only edit like 5 of those and the other locations get the rest, so I'm sure someone else wouldn't mind taking my place."

He sighed and tapped his pen on the desk.

"Fine. Temporary 2 month leave and half of your base pay." He said.

"Okay that fine." I said getting up.

"Oh before you leave, When are you giving me your fiancé?"

"Im done with his ass but you wouldn't want him. For one, he's a piece of shit and you can do way better."

He chucked. "I can change them."

Unfaithful: Odell Beckham Jr.Where stories live. Discover now