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After what seemed like eternity of being down in the basement, the door opened giving a bit of light into the dark area.

Down came Xander and his dog. I couldn't clearly make out what has in his arms, but I could definitely smell gasoline. He flicked the lights on and sat the red jugs down on a white foldaway table. "Alright so here's the deal baby." He said coming towards me and bending down by the bed.

He then ran his hands up and down my legs and smirked. "I haven't had any in a while, you know since we've been-

"Did you not rape me last night?" I said interrupting him.

He stared down at me and chuckled, "You know how much I hate it when you speak when I'm in the middle of talking so why do it? And I didn't rape you. You know you wanted it just as much as I did. You know I put it down last night."

"Don't get ahead of yourself, I've had bigger and better." With that, his hand came down and smacked my face. My body stopped flinching long ago before I even was bought down here.

"You gone learn bitch." He said standing up and walking over to take a sip of some Pepsi. He then grabbed some handcuffs and walked back over towards me. "This is why I don't fuck with Black bitches anymore. You can't do nothing with out getting a whole bunch of attitude back."

"Is that supposed to offend me? I'm glad your not putting another Black bitch through what I went through then and I can care less about who you date. I'm sure no girl White, Asian, purple or orange would wanna date you if they know what you did to me. What happened to Kylie Jenner? Is she done putting up with your bullshit?"

All of sudden there was pounding on the door. He looked at me and then went upstairs. I followed since he forgot the cuff me to the bed, but not to close.

Xander looked out of the window and then in the peephole. He shook his head and pulled out a gun looking back at me.

"You called the police?" He asked.

"With what phone Xander?" I asked stepping backwards toward the basement again.

The pounding repeated and yelling sounded.

"We know you're in there. We have a warrant for your arrest Xander."

I rushed back down the stairs closing the door and grabbed the cuffs and the key. I put the key in the back pocket of my jeans and then put one cuff around the metal pile on the bed and the other on my arm so that one of my arms were free just in case someone didn't come down.

All of a sudden the front door opened and the sounds of people running everywhere and yelling sounded throughout the house.

Gunfire went back and forth and I knew that Xander was probably not going to make it out alive.

"Check the house for any evidence about the murder."

"Murder? Man watchu' talking 'bout murder?" Xander asked. His voice was shaken but still loud.

"The murder Nicole. Don't act like you don't know what we're talking about Xander."

Just then the door to the basement opened and the police officer looked as if he'd seen a ghost. He meet my eyes and called for an ambulance through dispatch.

Now I knew I looked horrible, but not that horrible.


"Excuse me ma'am. We're going to need you to tell us all you know about Xander and Nicole and your relationship to him." A female officer said sitting on a stool near my hospital bed.

"Umm, I was literally kidnapped and raped by him for months. Are y'all not charging him with that?" I asked puzzled. "I mean I literally have bruises everywhere and a busted lip."

"We understand that, but our first priority is the murder-"

"Well in that case I can't help." I said giving her every ounce of my Black bitch attitude.
I leaned back in the bed and crossed my arms. The bitch is literally dead, not breathing, not responsive, so why is she more important than me right now?

"Fine, if we charge him for your rape will you then cooperate with us?"

I just stared at her dumbfounded. "So y'all was literally going to just forget it ever happened?"

At that moment, my mom and dad barged through the hospital door.

"Oh Lord Crystal we've been try-" I didn't have time for these fake games.

"Get out. Don't even come any further." My mom paused and started crying. Another fake act she does to get attention.

"Crystal, don't do this. We're sorry about not-

"I said get out of the room." I looked at the officer who only then pushed my parents out of the room.

"Crystal, the only reason we weren't going to charge him was because that gorilla is mostly to get the death penalty for murdering her."

"You know as much as I hate Xander right now, I have no time for your racist comments about him. So can you please leave my room. I don't even know why your questioning me if he's going to get the death penalty."

She sucked her teeth and closed her notebook standing up and walking out of the room.

It seems as if everyone wanted to try me today.

Unfaithful: Odell Beckham Jr.Where stories live. Discover now