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"So you telling me that you just don't want to be with me because you haven't met my mom? Crystal I barely even see her." I said following her into the house. I was literally the verge of breaking down. Nothing ever works out for me.

"It's not just that Odell. I just think I'm moving to fast and-" I interrupted her already tried of the nonsense.

"Let me guess you still love Xander." I said as she grabbed her clothes. "You need a lot of help Crystal. You going back to the nigga who used to rape you and beat you if you stepped through the door a minute late."

"I never said I was going back to him, but if it makes you mad I guess I should." She chuckled.

She walked into the bathroom and grabbed another box. If she wanted to leave I couldn't stop her.

She the founder of #wastehistime2016.

6 Months Later

I walked out of practice early, like I did the last few weeks. My patience was getting thinner and thinner and I was pissed off with everything and everyone. Honestly I thought she would've came back, and I just wanted to know what I did wrong.

"Beckham wait! Coach wants you." Kevin the assistant general manager called after me. I sucked my teeth since I was halfway to my car.

I walked into his office and slouched down in the seat across from his table. "What's going on? You just started slipping up, and at the rate your going to have to be released."

Released? I'm the fucking reason why this team is relevant today, and they wanna let me go?

"We'll trade me then." I leaned back in the seat. Anyone would pick me up in a second.

He sighed. "Well we can't really afford to do that-"

"Well why would you say you want to release me?"

"To scare you a bit. Do you know how many boys want to be in your shoes?" I chuckled and ran my hands through my hair. "A lot, and we don't have to release you or give you any playing time on the field-"

"Bench me than. I still get paid either way. You guys the ones loosing money and Mara and Tisch would fire you before me. I mean I don't mind, if I'm not on the field averaging two touchdowns a game then you better draft wisely." His faced turned red as I went on. But it was true, my value is only going up.

"Bye Beckham." He said grabbing the phone.

"Peace." I said chucking up the duces.

The ride home was quiet. No music. Just the sound of the engine revving every now and then.

Right on time Sydney called. I met her four weeks after Crystal left at a club in L.A.

(Sydney is played by savannablue on Instagram)

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(Sydney is played by savannablue on Instagram)

"Hello?" I spoke as her voice began to fill the car.

"You finally answered! Wow what a surprise." She said in a surprised tone.

"Yeah I guess, what you doing tonight?"

"Nothing, but I wanted to go to the movies. You should go with me." She pleaded.

"I really shouldn't."

"Please! You've been cooped up in the house since we meet. It's just this once." She begged again.

"Okay, okay fine. But find something after 9."


Where do you guys think Crystal really went?

What about Sydney and Odell?

Unfaithful: Odell Beckham Jr.Where stories live. Discover now