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"I am done with her Crystal. I swear I wasn't lying to you. I'm being honest." I said following Crystal to the SUV parked on the tarmac.

"Sure." She mumbled and sat down. She started running her finger through her hair and closed her eyes.

"Come on don't fucking be like that. And you didn't even hear the other side of the conversation." I grabbed her hand waiting her to snatch it back. "She told me she had an abortion."

"And you believe that? They say that and then come back 3 years later calling you a dead beat and serving you with child support papers." She didn't even want to get in the car. "Bitch ass. I'm calling my pa-"

"With what phone? What the fuck they gone do about it? Get in the car."

Soon enough I was hit with this face.

Soon enough I was hit with this face

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"Oh so now you bossing me around. I bet you brought me here so I could be your fucking maid. We ain't even left the airport and you already fucking up." She climbed in the car since there was not many other options and sat in the third row.

Childish ass.

When we got to my house, I knew she was going to do her pettiness routine. She was going to ignore me and sleep on the other side of the house on purpose. She was gone let me starve and then some.

I grabbed her arm and pulled her to the couch attempting to sit her down.

"Let me go." She yelled struggling from my grasp. I wasn't holding her tight, so she was being dramatic. "Stupid ass. I told you to leave me alone."

"No you didn't. Calm your ass down girl." I was going to hold her down until she knew she wasn't going anywhere.  "Can you listen just this once? Please?"

She just looked blankly up at the ceiling. "Look she texted me and told me she wanted to talk to me after we landed, but called later saying she had an abortion. You gotta believe me when I tell you I ended it with her."

Her face still gave me an unreadable expression.
"Well your gonna have to get proof if you want me to believe that bullshit. I'm not about to be in no drama between y'all."

"Crystal this girl only cares about her image. She doesn't care about anything else."

"And if her 'image' can be improved with a baby by you so then she'll keep it. Odell, girls plan stuff like this out. Bet the bitch was planning it from the start." She said getting up. I stared at her leaving as she left the room.


"Sydney, you gotta stop being so fast before you catch something." My little sister Bree said. I had just came in from the club and it was currently 4:30 in the morning.

"Calm down sissy. I just got us a way out of our debt." She eyed me and shook her head.

"Your debt. Sydney what the hell did you do this time?"

"Instead of catching an STD like you thought I did." I said chuckling. "I caught a baby."

"And you're drunk right now? You know how much damage you could do to the child. You'll kill it before it will be born!" Bree yelled.

"Shut the fuck up. I know what I'm doing. I told him I got an abortion. Ain't nothing to worry about now." I slid out of my tight bodycon dress and watched as the money floated down to the floor.

"Whose life are you about to fuck up this time?"

"Odell's." I said smiling and rubbing my still toned belly. "He's about to forget all about that bitch he had before. Especially if he wants to see his child."

Bree was already 5 months pregnant. She moved in with me after our parents kicked us out because of it causing me to get a bigger place.

"You're about to have two scream brats Bree. Cuz I know I'm not giving up my damn life raising a mutt."

"You're not serious? Give the child to Odell if you don't want it."

"No, I wouldn't get money like that." I whined.

"Wow. And the baby is a human. Not a mutt." Bree nagged. Something I always hated.

"Have you ever wondered if your child would be special? Like retarded special?" I asked Bree.
"If mines was retarded I'd be pissed man. Like if he came out with Down Syndrome or had autism or something then Odell could have it. It would cost me more money with medical bills and shit raising it and that would be interrupting my flow."

"Well stop drinking and smoking bitch. Maybe your child would ducking have a chance." Bree stood up clearly irritated and walked to her room.

I rolled my eyes and hopped in the shower getting rid of all of the negativity.

Unfaithful: Odell Beckham Jr.Where stories live. Discover now