The Big Brother

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   A snowy haired male lay tiredly across a plain couch on his belly. His cheek was squished up against the arm of the couch as his tired red eyes watched the TV flicker through Channel's. The remote lay on the floor as he tapped the channels trying to find a show. He glanced up when he suddenly heard thumping steps behind him.

"Prussia." A thick yet soothing voice rumbled.

   Prussia just grumbled and kept switching through the channels.

   The large man walked around the couch and stood in front of Prussia crossing his arms.

"Come on, you need to get up."

   His Crimson eyes looked up to the strong blond and sighed.

"I don't wanna." He sulked.

"Tough, Austria's coming over for a visit."

   Prussia's face twinged as he sat up swiftly.

"What why?! What does he even want?!" The Prussian said in disbelief.

"He's just coming for a visit." He anwered beginning to clean the mess around his brother.

"Germany. Stop. Pause. Hold your horses..... We don't even like Austria.... Why would you let him come over?!" He yelled getting up and helping the big German.

"You think I would just say 'yeah sure come over! We'll have tea and cake!.'?" Germany mocked. "He said he was already on his way."

"So he's almost here?!" Prussia turned around and headed to the bedroom.

   Germany watched him off a bit lost in wonder but then caught himself. He went back to cleaning as fast as he could. He gathered dishes and ran them to the sink.

"Hey! When you're done in there come collect the garbage." He yelled starting the water.

   The Prussian male stumbled out pulling his clean pants on. He had changed clothes but still looked as if he hadn't showered yet. He zipped up his fly and flew to the kitchen grabbing a garbage bag before rushing around picking up trash.

"It's like having my wives parents over, except I'm not married and there's no father in law. Just a wicked mother in law." Prussia yelled over the running water.

"Just shut up and clean." Germany yelled back.

"Yeah yeah Mr. Bossy pants." The Prussian said before getting on with his work.

   After about a good hour there was a knock at the door. Thankfully most if not all of the chores were done so Germany headed to the door. He opened it up to see the well groomed man with an interesting cow lick standing before him.

"Hello Austria." He welcomed.

"Hello yourself Germany. Now are you going to welcome me in? Or should I wait a bit longer for you to finish cleaning your brothers pig sty." Austria knew.

   Prussia popped up behind Germany with a big cocky grin.

"Haha Austria you are wrong! The house is clean!" He laughed proudly.

"Mhm, we'll see." He frowned.

   Germany aloud the Austrian to enter the house. Upon arrival he immediately began to allow his eyes to inspect the home. He didn't seem impressed as he entered the dining room.

"Tea?" He asked.

   Germany rolled his eyes and Prussia snickered to himself.

"See the house is clean! Not as sloppy as you say!" He said proudly.

   Austria glanced up still unimpressed as he adjusted his glasses.

"You both have an anal need to keep things in order, so that's not what I expected. I expect pure laziness from you Prussia..... With you not having any responsibilities." Austria shrugged.

"Well now you know I'm not lazy! I'm great!" Prussia laughed.

Austria sighed. "It would have been gracious of you to at least shower before my arrival."

   Prussia lifted an arm to smell himself and he smiled.

"What are you talking about? I smell awesome!" He laughed.

"Oh then I suppose you are trying a new hair gel? Or are you lying and that's really grease?" Austria pointed out.

"I don't need hair gel! I'm perfect the way I-" he stopped when he realized what he had said. "Crap."

Austria rolled his eyes. "I'm surprised Germany didn't bathe you himself."

"I'm not going to bathe him!" Germany called. "He's a man, not a child."

"That is right! I can choose when I want to take a bath!" Prussia laughed.

"That's good, it would be very inappropriate for your younger brother to have to take care of you any further."

   Prussia's face grew serious. His red eyes pierced Austria's purple blues.

"What are you saying." He said.

"I'm saying that ever since your country was.... Terminated you have done nothing but bummed off your little brother....." Austria paused. "It's a wonder you're alive at all."

   Prussia's face twinged and he walked up to Austria. He raised a first aimed towards his prissy face. Austria tried to block but was saved by the strong thick body of the large German.

"Brother stop!" Germany fought Prussia. "His face is too pretty to be smashed up."

   Prussia's red eyes filled with anger and he surprised his feeling smiling.

"Not as pretty as mine."

   The Prussian relaxed and walked away retreating back to his bedroom. Germany looked back at Austria his face full of rage.

"I know you don't mean to sound like a dick. But watch what you say to my brother, other than Italy he's all I have." Germany barked.

"Germany you can't keep allowing him to take advantage of you!" Austria fought.

"He is not! I am taking care of him just as he had taken care of me."

"You're the younger brother. He was suppose to take care of you." Austria shook his head.

"I will do what I feel is right Austria. You will stay out of my business." Germany placed a hand on his forehead as if feeling a headache coming on. "Please."

Austria looked away crossing his arms. "You forgot the tea."

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