Canada's 150th

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   Night was already falling and it was about time for the boys to decide their last act before the fire works.

"Get wasted?" Prussia asked.

"Get wasted." Canada answered.

   The two headed for the nearest bar and sat together in a booth with a few beers.

"So." Prussia started. "What do you want for your birthday?"

"What do I want? I don't want anything, I'm happy how this is." Canada smiled sweetly.

"Awe." Prussia cooed. "That's so gay, but for real tell me."

"um..." Canada hesitated. "How abooooout..... Intense, rough sex?"

   Prussia breathed in fast and choked on his drink spitting the rest out. He gasped for air and coughed before looking back at the Canadian. The blonde had a sweet smile as he giggled at the reaction he got.

"I was just kidding." He laughed. 

"Y-ya..... I knew that!" The crimson eyed man choked. "How bout you just tell me when you see something you like?"

"I do see something I like." Cana played on.

   Prussia's pale face grew red as he slowly took the embarrassing males drink away slowly.

"I think you should slow down." He advised.

"I'm okay? I was just being playful." he answered adjusting his glasses a bit let down.

   Prussia cocked a smile and slid the beer back over. "Okay, I trust you."

"Besides, if you think I'm drunker than you, it just means you gotta catch up." He winked. 

"You are so frisky today!" Prussia observed. "I like it!" 


"Kid you are reading my mind."

                         ***********After Being Kicked Out of the BAR*********

"I can't believe you punched him in the throat!" Canada laughed trying to keep his balance.

"If there is one thing I can't handle, it guys who wear too much cologne and who try to steal your date."

"He wasn't trying to steal me, he was asking if we wanted to play doubles of pool."

"He didn't have a partner!" Prussia reminded. "He just wanted to see you bent over that table!" 

"I would have taken it as an opportunity if I were you." Cana shrugged.

"Wait what?"

   Canada's face lit up when he realised what he had said. "Y'know... I know you wanted to see me that way too."


"So you didn't?" Canada's violet eyes sparkled sadly.

"W-what, of course I would!! It's just..."

   The maple sented boy moved closer to the embarrassed German "Just?"

"I didn't want other people looking at you like that!" He yelled. "You are making me super embarrassed right NOW!!"

"Me? Making the great Prussia blush?"

"You really think I'm that great?" Prussia hesitated at his words. "I mean I know I am!!! Just making sure that you know."

"You know I think that." He smiled softly.

   Prussia slipped his hand over Canada's cheek feeling his soft curly blonde hair brush his pale skin. He slowly pulled the boy's face in and kissed his lips gently. Canada reached around the German's shoulders pulling him in closer and as their lips pressed stronger they were both shocked at the sudden explosive sound and a flurry of colourful lights. They quickly looked up to see the bright fireworks that lit up the sky. They both watched in awe as the plethora of different coloured flames sparkled in the night sky dancing over the ocean. Prussia looked over to the red faced boy that had become so much to him. The lights in the sky reflected on his soft face and perfect smile. The tall pale man stood behind the younger boy and wrapped his arms around his torso resting his chin on his shoulder.

"Happy birthday." He said softly in his ear.

   Canada's violet eyes looked down on him and he kissed the German's cheek softly. 

"Thank you." He replied.

   Then they stood together in perfect silence watching the rest of the show before heading back to the bed and breakfast to call it a night.

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