Okay, you can go home now...

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   The next morning Canada woke up a little bit late. He sat up slowly and remembered suddenly that his painful twin was still there. He stepped out into the hall to see no one around. He then began to tip toe out of his room trying not to wake his brother. He went to Prussia's room slowly opening the door only to see he was gone. Suddenly  he heard laughter from down stairs. He looked down the staircase and slowly made his way into the kitchen. He turned around the corner to see America sitting at the counter with Prussia talking over bowls of cereal.

   The silver haired boy looked up from his captain crunch and saw the tall blond watching.

"So you finally decided to walk among the living?" He joked.

"What are you two up to?" Canada asked.

   America turned around with food still stuffed in his face.

"Hanging with my homie." He murmured.

"I don't know how you can talk and eat at the same time." Prussia said sarcastically.

"It's a gift." America bowed slightly.

   Canada walked over to the cupboard to get a bowl and join the two. He sat down as Prussia slid over the cereal and milk.

"So what's the plan today?" Prussia asked.

"I thought we could go to Coombs today." Canada suggested.

   They both looked at America with a "What about you?" Look in their eyes. The blue eyed male swallowed his cereal and put down his spoon in the bowl.

"I think I'm gonna head home." America decided. "Canada is too boring and relaxed for me to go be a tourist."

"Better then being dumb enough to walk out in traffic because of Pokemon go." Canada said in a bitter sweet tone.

"Oh shit he got you there." Prussia laughed.

   America brought out his phone. "Hey!" He said excitedly. "I gotta catch em' all!"

   Canada smirked and rolled his eyes. Prussia stood up and put his bowl away.

"Guess it's time for me to take a hot shower." He looked over at the two. "It's like a regular shower but with me in it. Care to join Canada?" He said smoothly.

   America glared at the two and Canada's face blushed red.

"Huh? Me? No thanks!!" He stammered.

"Suit yourself." Prussia smirked.

Canada sighed in relief as the Prussian turned away and walked to the shower alone. He went back to take a bite of his cereal only to see his brother giving him a look.

"What's wrong?" The younger twin asked.

"Bro are you gay?" America said straight up.

"Wha-? Why would you ask that?!"

"It's cool bro, it's okay to be gay."

"I know it is, it's been 'okay' for a long time." Canada reminded.

"Yeah whatever. But are you lovers, with him?" He said pointing to where Prussia disappeared.

"Huh? Prussia?? He's funny and cocky, but even if I did like him he's a big famous country and I'm kinda just a country." Canada laughed.

"He's not that big and famous anymore." America reminded.

"Are you trying to defend us being together?" Canada smiled.

"What? No way yo! Look you be you and I'll be awesome, but I'm watching you."

With that the other blond stood up, placed his bowl into the sink then turned to the door.

"Peace out nerd!" He saluted before putting his shoes on and walking out.


After Prussia's shower they went down to the garage with all of Prussia's junk. They walked in and Prussia's eyes goggled at the vehicles. There lay three beautiful cars, a 2012 corvette, a 69 Camaro, and a 68 charger. Prussia walked around them sizing them up.

"What one are we taking?? The charger? No wait let's take the corvette, it has a sun roof!" He said excitedly.

"We aren't taking any." Canada laughed. "You have too much junk."

"Then why are we down here." Prussia whined.

"Cause we need that." Canada pointed at a black Cadillac CT4.

Prussia's face dropped. "That's a mom car!" He bellowed.

"It's an SUV, I don't trust it not to rain all over your stuff, and I know you'll get way more souvenirs in Coombs."

Prussia cocked a brow. "What is this, Coombs?"

"It is a place, with goats on the roof." Canada smiled.

"Why would I wanna buy lots of goats? Maybe in like the 1700's I would have jumped on that, but in 2016 I'm not too sure about that."

"Huh? N-no! The goats are on the roof of the store!" Canada reworded. "It's kinda something you have to see."

   Prussia shrugged and smiled largely. "It'll be awesome no matter what since I'll be there!"

   Canada laughed at the cocky boy and shook his head lightly. "You'll see." He giggled.

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