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   Prussia sat in the SUV looking out the window excitedly watching the trees fly by. Canada had promised they were going to a very different kind of place this time, but he didn't say what the place was. It still shocked the older male how long it took to drive around even the small island. Canada drove up a slender trail until it came up to a large house like building covered in flowers and vines.

 "We're here." 

"Is this grandma's house?" Prussia asked.

"Not quite."

   The two got out and made their way to the front door. When they got inside they were bombarded by children running about the gift shop. They tried to get around the crowd and Canada spotted someone he knew.

"Cynthia!" he called flagging her down.

"Matthew!" the pretty young brunette responded. "Children come over here be careful." She instructed.

   The kids moved aside letting the two countries get to the front desk. They looked at the woman in her overalls and smiled.

"You can go right in Mattie, we just finished a tour so there's no one inside except for Carol of course."

"Thanks Cynthia."

   The curly haired boy lead prussia to the door and looked back at him before opening it.

"It's going to be very humid in here." He warned.

"Humid?" Prussia started but before he knew they were inside and the warm thick air hit his face.

   Small sprawled across the floor, lined with rainforest like trees and rocks. Three butterflies flew past his face and a small flock of exotic birds ran around his legs. He could here the light trickle of water and saw a wall of glass cages filled with scorpions and tarantulas.

"Cana..... What is this place?" He asked.

"It's Butterfly World."  

   Something heavy walked over Prussia's foot and he looked down to see a brown turtle walking casually over him. 

"I would have taken you to Butterfly Gardens in Victoria but the writer has never been there and she didn't want to get any details wrong."


"Wanna go feed the Koi?" 

   Prussia nodded and followed the young male through the trail looking up at butterflies on flowers and oranges suckling the sweet necters. He could hear the humming and chirping of birds as if they were in a real forest. The sound of the water grew louder and they crossed a small red bridge overlooking a pond of huge white, gold,  and red fish. 

"C'mon." Canada said pulling him over the bridge to the edge of the water. 

   Beside where they crouched sat a small man made stone platter with fish food in it. Canada sprinkled a pinch into Prussia's hand and the albino sprinkled it into the pond. The large slender fish moved up to pellets and bit at them. Canada put his fingers in the water to feel the scales and when prussia did the same the fish confused his fingers for food. Prussia laughed at the tiny fish mouths that nibbled at him.

"I feel like i have had a pet koi or two in another life." Prussia nodded.

"Yeah? I love them!! They are so calming and gentle."

"They remind me of you." Prussia winked.

"Really cute?"

"Oho! The cockiness is revealed!! I knew you had that in you."

"Hehe sorry!!"

   Prussia got serious and took Canada's face in his hands looking deep in his eyes. "So there is one thing I have to do here." 

"W-what is it?" His violet eyes wavered.

"I need......" He squeezed the boys face and got closer. "To find..... That turtle where is he?" He said letting go and looking around. 

   The young blond began to laugh lightly watching the Prussian try to hunt the turtle. He stood up and walked after him as he oddly crouched and waddled over the bridge.

"What are you doing?"

"If I walked straight up I won't see him, I need to have a turtle eye view."

"Well judging by your waddle and white hair you are more of a swan."

   Prussia stopped and waddle turned around his eyes piercing angrily. "That's Mr. Swan to you."

   He went back to the hunt and started to hobble faster then he caught sight of the shelled creature. He caught the animal and held it up, it sucked itself into its shell. He presented it into the air as if it was a lion cub.

"I caught him!"

"You really like animals huh?" Canada laughed.

"I will name him Mertle!"

   Canada crouched down and touched the shell of the turtle and kissed Prussia's cheek lightly. His face quickly went bright red and he was met with the bright red German eyes.

"I'm sorry! You looked cute! I got into the moment!! Oh my goodness!" He babbled.

   Prussia grew a huge goofy grin and began to laugh at the embarrassed boy. 

"Oh my god you are way too cute." He laughed.

   He then put the turtle in the Canadians hand and moved his chin to face him before giving him a real kiss. They parted and younger boy's face was lit up in a big smile.

"But seriously, I m keeping Mertle."

"You can't keep the Turtle!"

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