Time to Kick this Back in Gear (r18)

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((I'm so sorry it's been over a year but I'm back. I got stuck and gave up but some of the readers comments inspired me to kick my own ass and do this. GirlGoneRogue1 and many more))

   The next morning Prussia awoke in the floral bed of the B&B. He slowly sat up only to feel an arm slide down his side. His red eyes widened as memories of the night before flooded back. He slowly turned his head following the freckled arm to the curly haired blond at his side. He tried to retrace his steps of last night but could only remember the fireworks and punching some jerk in the throat. He gasped suddenly when he remember kissing and embracing the young country. His gasp was louder than expected as the young male beside him shifted and began to sit up. He rubbed his tired eyes looking up at the Prussian.

"What time is it??" He asked looking for his phone.

"I.... We.... I don't know." The Silverette shuttered.

   Canada stopped looking for the cell when he heard the shaky voice of the usually confident man at his side. He reached his hand to the other males nervous face slowly feeling his heating cheeks.

"You okay. Do you feel sick?" He asked. "It's okay if you are, you drank a lot."

"N-no. Um, I was..... fuck I don't even know how to ask this with out being a dick..... but did we..... y'know..... Do.... it?" He shrugged awkwardly.

"Have sex??" Matthews eyes widened. "You don't remember?" His voice broke.

"We did?! Oh my god I'm so sorry! I swear it's something I'd want to remember I can't believe I tried to take advantage of you that's such a dick move!" The prussian began to beat himself up.

"No you aren't." The blond pet his back.

"Yes I am! I took advantage of You!" He bellowed.

"No you didn't."

   Prussia sat up straight. "I didn't? You took advantage.... of me?!"

"No." The other began to laugh. "We didn't do it."

   The males red eyes sliced into the violets who smiled innocently. "You little shit." He said before tackling him into the bed and pinning him down.

   Canada giggled not trying to escape. "I'm sorry, I just couldn't resist."

   Prussia smiled down at him admiring his messy hair and tired eyes. Across his cheek were wrinkles from the pillows and sheets making the white haired man bare his teeth in a large grin. The blond raised a brow.

"What?" He tilted his head.

"You're a flipping hot mess."

"You've got a starburst wrapper stuck in your hair, don't even go there." He plucked the yellow paper from the man above.

"I don't even LIKE the yellow ones?!" He collapsed on top of Canada dramatically.

   The blond wrapped his arms around the strong male chuckling softly as he rolled them onto their sides.

"Well, should we get up?" He asked.

"I dunno, what time is it?" Gilbert grumbled.

"Um, oh! Our phones are way over there!"

"Leave it to me." The Prussian rolled over. "Hey google!" He called as Matthew's phone lit up. "What time is it?"

"The time is 6:13." The woman's voice responded.

"Technology rocks." The Prussian fell back down. "Let's stay in bed a bit longer then go for breakfast."

"You do know we don't get a say right? They just make it and we show up." Matthew brought up.

"When do they make it?" He asked.

"At seven, it was on the pamphlet, the poster, the website, and they told us when we got our key.' Matthew reminded. 

"Seven?" Gilbert groaned dramatically staring up at the ceiling. "Don't they know everyone's hung over?" 

"Maybe they are hung over as well, and they spent all morning making food just for you." Matthew played. "They must be really tough if they can cook when we can't even get outta bed."

"Hey, I never said we couldn't get outta bed. Anything they can do I can do awesomer!" Prussia sat up.

"It's 6:15 now, did you wan't to shower before we went down for breakfast?" Canada suggested.

"Like, together?" Prussia winked.

"Yeah, why not?" Mattie shrugged with a innocent smile.

"Wait for real?" His red eyes widened once again.

"Yeah, or we would have to wait for each other." The Canadian paused seeing his prussian getting nervous again. The man was 494 years old, he must have seen hundreds of naked men in the past whether they were lovers, other soldiers, or just dudes in the shower room. "Did you want to wear bathing suits?" 

   Prussia snapped back to reality pressing out his chest as he sat up straight. "Bathing suits? This ain't the pool, we're both men,we both have penises, nothing new."

"Alright." Canada took his hand stepping off the bed letting the blanket slip off his surprisingly strong, thick waist and thighs. He lead the male towards the homey washroom where he pulled back the violet curtains turning the tap feeling the water as it warmed up to a comfortable temp. He looked back at the other male seeing him struggle to act cool. He removed his own red and white skin tight boxers revealing his manhood and an adorable bubble butt. Gilbert quickly removed his own black and white matching shorts placing his hands on his hips to show off his fit toned pale body proudly. 

"You like what you see?" He snickered confidently. 

"More than you know." 

   Matthew stepped into the tub shifting aside into the shower as he allowed Gilbert to follow him in. The silver haired males heart pounded changing from nervousness to pure lovely lust. It was a big step for the two to go from friends one day to being comfortable enough to shower together the next. He felt very close and grateful to the Canadian. Their small adventure around BC alone had been an amazing experience, he hadn't been able to kick back, have fun, and see new things like this in a long time. He felt as if his heart was being pulled closer to the country before him. It may have been because New Prussia was his reason for still being around, and it may have been pure instinct. But whatever it was, it was taking over him. As Matthew turned around to run the water down his back he felt hands caressing his hips and a strong warm chest pressing against back. Prussia's groin sat comfortably in the seems of Matthews bubbly butt. The sweet country felt his damp blond hair get pushed aside as warm lips kissed his neck softly. He let out a soft gasp before Gil's arms wrapped around his torso. Matt held the Prussians arms in the embrace taking in the moment then felt something growing behind him.

                                                TO BE CONTINUED

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