Japan's Solution

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   After the meeting Germany hailed a cab for him and his brother. They were about to leave the hall only to be stopped by the familiar call of Italy.

"I wanna go to Germany's house to!" He said excitedly.

    Germany turned around to scold him but Prussia was already involved.

"Of course you can!" He said.

"Prussia!" Germany snapped.

"Awe brooooo." Prussia said walking to the little Italian. "How can you say no to this cute face." He pouted. "And Italy's too." He said holding Italy's face up.

   Germany rolled his eyes and got into the cab.

"Get in." He gave up.

   Prussia and Italy both Yay'd before entering the cab as well. They sat together laughing and playing with Germany's patience the entire way to the hotel.


   Prussia sat in the spinning chair as Italy spun him round and round. Prussia didn't even seem to notice as his eyes were fixed on the laptop.

"Italy would you knock that off?" Germany said stopping the chair.

   Prussia let out a long sigh and hit his head on the back of the chair.

"Still stuck?" Italy said looking over the Prussian.

"I've got nothing!" Prussia called out in frustration.

"You know Japan said you're looking the wrong way." Italy said pointing at the screen.

   Prussia and Germany both looked up a bit confused as they waited for the Italian to go on.

"Weeeeell, you keep looking only in Germany and places close by." Italy pointed out. "And you are only spelling Prussia the German way yes?"

   The two brothers looked at each other a bit baffled.

"Why not try other languages? Prussia could be in a country you've never even heard of!" Italy sung happily.

   Prussia grinned widely. He grabbed the Italians face kissing his forehead strongly.

"You brilliant thing!!! I will find Prussia!" He said excitedly.

    Prussia looked back down and hacked at the keyboard excitedly. Germany looked at the happy little Italian and gave a slight smile.

"Good job Italy." He said honestly.

"Well it was really Japan!" Italy reminded.

"Remind ME to kiss that beautiful man!" Prussia yelled.

"Remind me to not remind him." Germany whispered to Italy.

"Germany! Germany! Before we go to bed lets go swimming!" Italy said randomly.

"What? Now?! We can do that at home." Germany said taken back.

   Italy jumped on the muscular man shaking him lightly.

"Pleeeeease! It'll be fun!"

"No way!" Germany said trying to push him off.

"Pleeeeeeeeeeease." Italy struggled.

"Hey! Can you two love birds just leave I'm trying to read!" Prussia barked.

    Germany blushed lightly and Italy stood up pulling the massive man.

"You heard the man! Up up!" He sang.

   Germany grumbled then got up rolling his eyes.

"Alright, we'll leave you alone."

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