Canada's Surprise

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   Canada sat against a tall window that looked across the snowy mountains. He rested his cheek on the cold glass and sighed happily as he sipped his hot mocha. He was surprised by a small white fluff ball that jumped up and tried to drink from the cup.

"Kuma!" He laughed pulling the mug away. "Easy, did you finish yours already?"

   The little bear jumped up into the window sill and rested his jaw on Canada's knee.

"Yeah, it's all gone." He sighed. 

"I'll make you more, you don't gotta jump all over me." Canada giggled petting the bear. "You shouldn't be drinking coffee anyways."

"Who are-"

"Don't pull that! I'm getting up." Canada said getting off the ledge.

   He walked into the kitchen and reached to the top shelf for the hot chocolate tin. He then got the kettle back on and waited. He looked down at the little white bear.

"Would you like cream? Or syrup?" He asked.

"Both please." The polar bear said before sitting down.

   Canada brought the Kettle towards the cup to stir the hot chocolate. He poured the coffee then headed to the other cupboard. He opened up the wooden door to reveal many glass maple shaped bottles. He grabbed a more empty one and turned to see kumajiro up again staring at the door.

"What is it?" Canada asked. "Is there someone at the door?"

   The baby bear said nothing so canada headed to the window to look out. He glanced out into the snow to see a tall toned male walking up to the door. He was so pale that the sunlight made it impossible to make him out. When he came into the shade of the roof Canada was in awe. He dropped the syrup and it luckily tinked off the floor with only a chip.


   He couldn't even blink as he walked up to the door. He looked out the peep hole to see that it was most definitely the cocky brother of Germany. Canada opened the door right before Prussia was able to knock. Prussia looked a bit surprised but then he put on a big smile.

"Hello my sneaky little friend." Prussia laughed.

Canada stuttered over his words. "Wh- ho- pru-..... Sneaky?"

Prussia laughed obnoxiously. "You must be in shock from the sudden presence of someone as great as ME!"

"Well I-"

"Are you gonna invite me in?" Prussia asked.

   Canada nodded and moved aside to let the silveret in. He looked around the large lodge nodding his head in approval.

"Nice place, big, homely." He paused to see the head of a moose mounted over the fire place. "Did you shoot that?" Prussia said amazed.

   Canada was still a bit shocked as he walked in behind Prussia.

"N-no.... It was a gift." Canada said. "I wouldn't shoot a moose, or any other animal for that matter."

"Not a hunter huh? Well I understand, I'm a bit of a softy for the animals.... But don't tell anyone." Prussia winked.

   Canada nodded and followed Prussia through the house. He paused and got a bit nervous when he saw Kumajiro running at Prussia. The handsome man went down on one knee and caught the bear in his hands. Kumajiro rubbed his face into Prussia's shirt.

"Kumajiro!" Canada scolded. "I'm sorry Prussia he's never like this!"

Prussia laughed. "He's shedding like mad!" He yelled happily. "It must be from the salmon I had on the plane."

   Canada pulled the polar bear off holding him in his arms. Prussia's poor black shirt was covered in thick white hairs.

"I'm hungry." The bear whined.

   Canada sighed. He put the bear down and looked up at Prussia.

"May I ask.... Um.... Why are you here?" Canada nodded his head.

   Prussia stood up and brushed himself off.

"I wanted a nice quiet vacation, so I thought hey! Why not Canada?! Then I needed a guide... What better guide through Canada then Canada himself!"

   Prussia wanted to get to know the young boy before just demanding why he had kept him alive this long. He wanted to know what kind of hands his life was in. The only way to see that was to become friends with the beholder.

"So what do you say?!" Prussia said excitedly.

   Canada's violet eyes brightened as a wide grin crossed his lips. No one ever came to visit him and when they did they only thought he was the colder part of America. So all of this was a little bit over whelming for him. Then again he was excited to have a senior and popular country want to spend time in him... With him? Well in canada with canada.

"Y-yeah! If you'd like I would love to show you my sites." Canada agreed.

The Crimson eyed man smiled proudly. "But canada, I don't just wanna see a few artifacts, I wanna see it all. ALL of canada! Okay?" Prussia announced.

"Oh? Okay if you say so?!" Canada smiled.

   Prussia paused at the soft hearted smile of the younger country. He was startled by a sudden hotness in his cheeks and heavy drop in his throat.

"I'm making mochas... Would you like some?" Canada said breaking the moment.

"Miss out on a famous Canadian cup of joe, not for the world!" Prussia said excitedly.

Canada giggled. "It's not that famous." He sighed.

"I'm hungry!" The bear interrupted.

"Okay I'll make some food." Canada said petting the bear.

"I'll help!" Prussia said suddenly.

   Canada whipped his head around, Prussia would not give the poor boy a moment to calm himself.

"N-no! It's okay! You're my guest!" Canada waved his hands.

"I'm also an awesome cook! Move aside I'll help you out!" Prussia said trotting into the kitchen.

   Canada watched him make his move on the kitchen in blank shock. He brought himself back and just smiled at the cocky stubborn man.

"Come on Canada! The awesome me needs some awesome coffee cause he's awesomely pooped!"

Canada rushed in the kitchen and started to help Prussia.

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