Sexy Trudeau

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   Prussia stood in his room carefully selecting what to bring. He had right away packed his computer and was now picking clothes. He didn't know which part of Canada, Canada lived in. So he had to guess. His boss the prime minister Trudeau had said he had homes in every province. He knew he wanted to go to Ontario for sure, but now that he had looked up the other provinces he was curious to check them all out. He hadn't yet told his younger brother he was planning to stay longer then intended, he just kind of hoped he would understand.

"Pack warmly, they don't call it the great white north for nothing!" Italy surprised him.

   Prussia laughed obnoxiously. "It'll be just as cold as Russia." He pointed out.

"You look really happy Prussia." Italy smiled. "You'll have so much fun! I'm almost jealous."

Prussia smirked up at the little Italian. "You take care of my baby brother Italy." He winked.

   Italy giggled playfully. "Me take care of Germany?"

Prussia snorted and closed his suitcase.  "If I need anything I'll buy it there."

   Germany showed up in the door way behind Italy.

"All done?"

"Awe, are you here to walk me to the door?" Prussia mocked.

"No, I'm taking you to the airport, unless you wanna walk." The tall man said crossing his arms.

"Can I come?!" Italy said looking up at him excitedly.

"You would anyways." Germany said pulling the boy out of the room. "Come on Prussia."

   Prussia grabbed his bag and ran out of the room excitedly. He followed his towering brother and his tiny innocent friend to the car.


   They arrived at the the airport and Germany looked at his brother seriously.

"Are you sure you're ready for this?" He said staring with sharp blue eyes.

"I've been ready since 1945." Prussia nodded. "Besides, there's nothing this Canada can throw at me that I can't handle!"

"Uhuh...... Then good luck." Germany sighed.

   Prussia smiled widely and jumped on his brother giving him a big hug.

"Don't worry you krabby kraut I'll be back to allow you to bask in my glory." He said swishing his hair.

   Germany's face stayed straight. "Get out of my car."

   Italy reached over the seat and hugged Prussia tightly.

"Have fun Prussia!" He said excited.

"My brothers all yours." Prussia snorted.

"Get out!" Germany yelled annoyed.

   Prussia laughed to himself and got out of the car. He looked around the city one last time, before leaving his home for a new world.


   The plain ride hadn't been as long and horrible as he had thought. But then again he slept through the entire thing so he couldn't remember any of it. He had finally arrived and when he got off a plethora of men in black suits stood before him. One of them neared him.

"You are Prussia?" He asked.

"The one and only." Prussia bowed.

"The prime minister is waiting for you in a car outside." The man in black stated.

"Alright, lead the way oh serious one." Prussia said moving aside.

   The men in black took Prussia out to a dark slim BMW. The man opened the door and the other men made a barrier from the door to him. The Prussian went into the car and crouched down beside the prime minister. Trudeau was a handsome sleek man for his age and he looked at Prussia with a huge grin. He held out his hand to shake it. Prussia took it and shook it lightly.

"Welcome to our little big side of the world." Trudeau smiled.

"Thanks for having me, I almost feel like royalty!" Prussia snickered.

"Well one in your position, you're almost as rare as the hope diamond."

"I'm twice as rare as that trinket." Prussia said a bit offended.

"Well then you will indeed love our little treasure." Trudeau assured.

"Treasure?" Prussia raised a brow.

"Well our own rare Canada!" Trudeau laughed.

   Prussia smiled widely. He caught himself and tried to settle himself down.

"Where is the little guy, I want to surprise him!" Prussia planned.

"He's hardly little. But yes you told me over the phone, he has no idea you're here."

"So where is he?" Prussia asked.

Trudeau bit his lip a bit embarrassed.

"He's in BC....." He sighed. "Up in his lodge house in the caribou."

"Oh? Then I'll just catch a bus over." Prussia decided.

"No need. We have a plane for you, but it'll be another 5 hour ride. We can get a hotel for you till morning if you'd like."

"5 hours?! How big is this country?!" Prussia said amazed.

"The second largest after Russia." The prime minister said proudly.

   Prussia's eyes were wide but then he laid back relaxed.

"I'll take the plane now, I wanna get to him right away! I wanted to visit all the provinces anyways."

   The prime minister nodded his head to the left and sighed.

"Alright, we'll take you there right now...... And Prussia."

   Prussia looked up a bit confused and the man grew serious.

"He's a really nice kid, he gets taken advantage of a lot..... Be good to him.... Or we're going to have troubles." Trudeau tried to convince.

"Him? He's just a...... Oh...." Prussia realized what the boss meant. "Don't worry sexy Trudeau, I'll take care of him." Prussia promised.

"Did you just call me sexy?"

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