Finding Prussia

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   Prussia sat up against the door listening to his brother defend him. He bit his knuckles as he held back the anger. He wanted to scream and fight Austria. But he knew he was right. Even he did not know why he was still alive. He never thanked his brother but instead only smiled at him and played jokes. He was a lousy big brother at times but lately he had been the worst. He had to do something so his baby brother could stay his baby brother.

   Then determination hit him. He would no longer pawn off his kid brother, but instead he would find something to keep him busy.

"I will find me!" He laughed.

   He trotted to his laptop and flipped it open. Then there he began his research.


   Germany had sent the Austrian home and was now curious of what his older brother was doing in his room. He wondered over to the door and knocked lightly.

"Prussia? Are you okay?" He asked.

"Bro! Come in!" The Prussian said excitedly.

   Germany lifted his thick blond brow and opened the door. There he saw his brother at his computer desk looking through his laptop on Wikipedia.

"Prussia what are you doing?" Germany asked.

"I'm finding Prussia!" Prussia yelled.

   Germany walked up to his older brother and looked over his shoulder to see his computer screen.

"So what exactly are you doing?" Germany questioned.

"I'm trying to find where Prussia is! If I can find it then I can show that pompous jerk who belongs here!" Prussia said excitedly.

   Germany looked at his brother a bit surprised.

"Hey, you don't have to do this." He said placing a hand on Prussia's shoulder.

"Come on Ludi. I think it's about time we found out who's keeping this hot ass on this earth." Prussia said winking up.

   Germany grabbed the lap top folding it closed and walking out.

"Hey!" Prussia whined.

"Come on bro, I'll help you."

   Prussia's bright red eyes flashed and he smiled widely chasing after the taller man.


   Germany set up the laptop in the living room then he left to get his own. The two computers were the same, both black and sleek. However Prussia's was covered in stickers of his old flag, Little yellow birds, and random words such as "awesome." Or "He got dat Booty doh."

   Germany then headed to a few drawers where he pulled out note pads and pens. Prussia sat on the couch and reached out to collect the pens and pads. Germany gave them up then turned back around.

"What else do we need?" Prussia said confused.

"What kind of studying doesn't require coffee?" The bigger male grinned.

   The silvery haired brother snickered and shook his head.

"No study is complete with out it!" He agreed.

   He opened his laptop again to the page he was on. He was looking threw how people who had been born Prussian still called them selves Prussian and so did their children. He was trying to see if those people had made some sort of underdog country he didn't know about.

   Germany opened the white cupboards to reveal a jar of coffee beans. He had no problem reaching them as he was tall enough. He brought the can to the grinder and paused as he walked by the calendar.

"Hey Pruss, we can't be up long though. We gotta head to Britain in the morning." He said.

   The Prussian dropped his pen then looked over the couch at his muscular brother.

"For what?" He said dumbfounded.

"A world meeting of course." Germany said passing the calendar to proceed with the coffee grinder. "Why else would we go there?"

"Tourist season?" Prussia joked. "I don't get why we even go to those things, they always end up in you yelling at everyone to shut up." The Prussian laughed at the memories.

"You maybe right, but a world meeting wouldn't be a world meeting if the whole world didn't go." Germany shrugged.

"Alright then let's hurry up and find me!" Prussia said whipping back around to the computer.

   Four brutal hours had past and neither of them had found a trace. Prussia had been searching through all of Germany for even a hair of Prussian decent. Of course he had found lots of talk but no hard evidence of a micro nation keeping him here. Germany on the other hand had looked through Poland, somewhat determined that some of the Prussians there had created their own little civilization. However he to was turned down flat by the world.

   Their coffee's were now bitterly cold, their note books full to the top. It was now almost 8 at night and the two had, had a long painful day. So they decided to retire and try again after the meeting. Or so Germany had said. Prussia instead was determined and so he decided to bring his laptop with him to the meeting. He could check in the hotel before the meeting and perhaps a bit during the breaks. Either way in Prussia's mind he wasn't going to rest until he found his answers and until he could shove them in Austria's face and thank who or whatever was responsible. When he thought of thanking them of course he meant just showing up to see them and bring them his grace. But for now his grace like booty, had to go for a snoozy. So then he and his brother packed up their books and laptops and headed to their rooms to pack before bed.

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