BC Titanic?

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Prussia followed the tall Canadian up the stairs. He tried his best not to check out Canada's butt. However it was right in his face and it was a very nice booty. The two finally reached the top and the wind blew strongly. Canada swiftly tied his curly hair back but Prussia couldn't stop the wind from smacking his white hair around. He just faced where it was coming from so it would just blow it backwards.

"Come on." Canada said leading the way.

They walked along the railing looking down at the moving ocean. They reached the front and Canada put his back against the wall. Prussia followed and was surprised.

"It feels like the wind is gonna crush us!" He yelled.

"I know, isn't it cool?" The blond smiled brightly.

He turned to the Prussian to look at him only for his glasses to fly off. Prussia was quick as he snatched them from the sky.

"I got it!" He said.

He was about to return them but couldn't when he saw the violet eyes of the young country. His heart skipped and he could only stare.

Canada was puzzled. "Can I have them back?" He asked.

"No." Prussia said dazed. "I mean, you gotta come get them!" He said shaking himself.

Canada followed Prussia as he ran away. It was hard for him as everything was out of focus and his long hair flying out of the elastic truly wasn't helping. He turned the corner and saw the boy waiting for him out of the wind. He reached him and was stopped by an outstretched hand. He could see Prussia looking straight at him eye to eye. He wasn't impossible to see but still difficult.

"Stop wincing your eyes." Prussia said.

"But I'll get a headache, I'm trying to focus." The Canadian explained.

"I know, I'll give them back, just open your eyes." The silverette went on.

Prussia watched as the curly blonds eyes slowly widened. Without the wind he could properly see his wide shimmering violets. He knew he'd become suspicious if he kept staring so he slowly slipped Canada's glasses over his eyes. The Canadian could see again and he looked confused.

"You look cool with your hair tied back." Prussia said as if nothing had happened.

"Thanks?" Canada said a bit confused. "You look cool with messy hair." He joked.

"Oh do I?" Prussia posed. "Am I.... Delicious?"

Canada laughed. "Something like that?" He smiled.

"Hey..... You know what we should do?" Prussia asked with a mischievous smile.

"Hm?" Canada became interested.

"We should do the titanic thing and get someone to post a picture." Prussia snickered.

"What titanic thing?" The Canadian asked. "Because I'm already French and not ready to be drawn...."

Prussia paused a bit shocked by what the boy had said. He snickered and looked back at the front of the ship.

"The OTHER Titanic thing."

Canada followed the Prussians eyes to the front of the ship and realized what he meant. His face turned red and he became flustered.

"The thing with the flying?!" He asked.

"Yeah!" Prussia yelled excitedly.


"It would be hella funny!" Prussia laughed.

Canada's blush faded, he took a big breath in and held it for a moment. Then he opened his eyes with determination.

"Okay." He said.

"Yeah!" Prussia cried. "Let's find someone to take the picture!"

Canada watched as the Prussian ran away to find a poor pedestrian. He could feel his heart beating intensely but he stayed strong keeping his courage up. He was excited and didn't want to let Prussia down. The silver haired male came back dragging a couple with him. The girl looked confused and the male couldn't stop laughing as Prussia explained the situation.

"Come on Mattie!" He called leading the way.

Canada swiftly followed, he watched as Prussia handed the girl his phone then made his way to the blond grabbing his hand and pulling him to the front of the ship. The wind had died down which was good because canada thought the pressure would make his heart explode.

"Should I sing the song?" Prussia snickered.

"I won't stop you." Canada laughed.

"Okay. You stand in front." Prussia said.

"What? Why do I have to be rose?" Canada asked. "You be rose."

"What! No way! I'm 100 percent the cool rugged artist, besides you're the prettier one." Prussia sucked.

Canada's cheeks flushed again and he looked away. "Okay." He gave in.

He stood at the front and aloud Prussia to lift up his arms. Canada's heart pounded until he felt something beat against his back. It was Prussia's heart. It was pounding just as fiercely as his was. Everything in his body wanted to turn around and embrace him but refrained as he was afraid of the Germans reaction.

"Got it!" The girl called.

Prussia let go and Canada's heart fell as he watched the male run to his phone to look at the pictures. He followed the silver haired man and glanced over his shoulder to the picture. When he saw it he almost bursted into laughter.

"Are you on your tippy toes?!" Canada asked.

Prussia closed the picture and turned around.

"N-no?! It's just the lighting, sheesh." Prussia said putting his phone in his

Canada snickered. "It's okay to be little." He smiled.

"I'm not little! I'm the mighty Prussia!"

"Are you two on your honeymoon?" The girl asked.

The two countries looked at her with red faces.

"N-no?!" They stammered in sync.

"Oh? Are you just friends? That's a surprise, you look very happy together." She went on.

"You don't have to be embarrassed, we won't judge." Her boyfriend shrugged.

"We really aren't!" Canada said shyly.

"Not yet." The girl winked. "Have fun on the island."

Then she dragged her boyfriend away leaving Canada and Prussia in a flurry of embarrassment.

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