BC 7/11

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   After the meal the two went on their long drive to Vancouver. It had already been 5 hours and they had just gone through Kelowna and were back on the highway.

"This is KILLING me!" Prussia whined.

"What is?" Canada asked.

"If we were in Germany this drive would have gotten us across Poland by now." He whined. "Are we still in BC? Are we in the US now?!"

Canada smiled. "Nope, we are still in BC, we've still got another 3-5 hours to go."

"Holy crap! This province is HUGE!" He cries.

"It's not that big!" Canada said a bit startled.

"We gotta stop somewhere! I have a dire need to stare at something other than trees!" The Prussian said like a child.

"Okay okay!" Canada laughed. "We'll stop by 7-11, get some gas, maybe some slurpies and candy."

"Slurpies?" Prussia lifted a brow.

Canada glanced over to the Prussian then smiled widely. "You'll see."

   The long highway ended opening into a small town. Canada started looking for the large 7 and when he did he pulled into the gas station. The Prussian got out and followed the younger country into the store. He lead him to the back and stopped at a row of turning flavoured frozen drinks.

"So? Would you like one?" Canada asked showing the sizes.

"You haven't given me any reason to say no to your country's food so far so I'll take a chance!" The Prussian said excitedly.

   He grabbed a large cup along with Canada and watched as canada poured the slushy drinks into the tall container, he went to each valve putting in every flavour. Prussia followed the boys lead and did the same.

"Don't drink it too fast or you'll get a brain freeze." Canada warned.

    Oh but it was too late, the Prussian had slurped it back hard and it was hitting him like a recking ball. His eye twinged and he opened his mouth to let out a painful moan.

"Aaaargh... How can something taste so good and hurt so bad!" He cried.

   Matthew walked over taking the slushie and putting it down before petting the poor males back.

"Are you okay?" He asked.

"Yup, just... Dying..... Well I know why we lost the 2nd world war....." The Prussian laughed. "You probably tortured our men to talk with sweet brain freezees!"

   Canada couldn't help but laugh. "Yeah, right after delicious diabetes." He joked along.

"If I didn't know better I would believe you!" The Prussian said still biting the pain.

   The sting and ache eventually subsided and he sighed reaching for the slurpie.

"Okay! Round 2!" He yelled.

   Canada snickered and walked up to the counter. He put up 5 bucks then the two left the store heading to the truck.

"Oh! Hold my slurpie! I gotta piss like its nobodies business!" Pussia said turning back in.

   Canada held the slurpie watching the absurd German run off. He smiled and shook his head going to the other side of the truck. He looked back to watch Prussia get lost then have to ask for a key, he couldn't help but notice that the other male was very attractive from behind. Hot, hot was definitely the word. His black tanktop contrasted his pale toned shoulders and fit snugly around his slender yet definitely built torso. Canada caught himself staring and looked away quickly before he got too far, AKA he was afraid to stare at Prussia's hot ass.

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