Oh Brother

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   Prussia and Canada sat in one of the bedrooms across from each other.

"So wait, wait. He made it illegal?" Prussia asked.

"Mhm, because children choked on the toy." Canada laughed.

"How stupid is that?" He lifted up the small kinder surprise and broke it open. "He's a special one that America."

"Okay, okay, your turn."

"I once convinced Italy that if he wore a skirt on Christmas his wishes would come true." Prussia laughed. "He wore the prettiest dress that morning.... But then Germany thought he was cute..... And then yeah."

"Yeah?.... Oh! Yeah!" The Canadian caught on. "Wait... Oh... Did you..."

"I heard EVERYTHING." Prussia whined.

   Canada laughed and held his gut. "That must have been traumatizing!"

"It was... I will never look at that little Italian the same EVER!"

"I by accidentally walked into Romano and Spain in the bathroom at a world meeting....." Canada remembered.

Prussia gasped. "You didn't!"

"I did, luckily they didn't notice me so I got out of there quick." He sighed.

"It's pretty crazy to see which countries all ended up together, I mean after watching them grow like I did." The silver haired boy said looking away like he was having a flash back. "I mean I remember when you and your brother had JUST got discovered, oh my god you guys were sooooooo cute. Like so cute!"

"What?!" Canada blushed. "I was just a baby! All babies are cute!"

"You are the third cutest I've see."

"Who are the other two?"

"Number two would be Germany, and number one of course is me!"

   Canada let out a humble sigh and laughed lightly at the cocky Prussian. Prussia paused and looked at the door.

"Did you hear something?" He asked.

"No?" Canada said confused.

"I could have sworn I heard...."

"CANADA!! I KNOW you're in here!" An obnoxious voice bellowed.

"Is that?"

"Oh no..."

   The door slammed open and America stood at it huffing. The blue eyed twins eyes widened.

"Are you two naked?!" He screeched.

"No, we're wearing pants." Prussia said causally.

"That's practically nothing!! What are you doing here! Why are you guys naked?! What were you doing?!" He bellowed.

"We went-" canada started but the Prussia made things worse.

"Skinny dipping." He smiled.

Americas face burned. "You." He huffed. "What?!" He screeched.

"America, what are you doing here?" Canada asked.

"Me?! I tracked your phone down and came to your rescue! Your innocence won't be safe if you are alone with this boy!"

"Okay mom." Prussia snickered.

"You tracked my phone?" Canada said still bewildered.

"Yes I did! Now what are you doing?!"

"Telling stories about you." Prussia played on.

"About me?" America sat down, his face went straight and he smiled as if none of his freak out ever happened. "Go on then."

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