Hot Shower Scene (R18)

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((Since I have been gone so long i have decided to treat you with a cutesy shower scene. There will be no holding back so once again r18 only you little pervs.))

   Gilbert kissed Matthew's neck from behind biting it softly as his hand traveled to the younger males hip pulling him into his groin. A lustful moan from the blond and a soft booty wiggle gave Gil the okay to move on. Matt's hands pressed against the wall so he could support the weight of the man behind him who reached his warm damp hand over his thigh. Matthew whined at the teasing man, his head jolted back when the Prussian finally held his shaft hesitating before gripping it softly moving up and down. He could feel Matthew's cock twitching in his grasp as the young male let out soft breath under the heat of the rushing water. The Canadian lifted his hips allowing Gil to slip his own piece in between his thighs. The silverette began to thrust in between Matthews freckled thighs groaning into his ear. His voice made Matthew shake as he let out a soft moan with in the hearty breathing. 

"Gil, I don't know if we can do it here." He tried to say but his mind was changed as Gil moved his thumb up to Matthew's head feeling his warm slick precum drip down his hand.

"It's up to you." Prussia teased.

"I-" Matthew bit his lip as he felt Prussia move his cock up onto his booty once again. He wanted nothing more than for the Prussian to be inside him in that moment. "Here." He moaned. "Is all right."

"Tell me to stop, if you don't like it." Gil moved his left hand over the boys cheak.

"I don't think that's going to happen." Matthew breathed.

  Gilbert slipped his hands down as his fingers past the plump area to Matthew's bud. The boy closed his eyes tightening his grasp on the side of the shower. He expected the males fingers to go in but was surprised when he felt something hot and slippery lapping at him. He turned his head, his violet eyes widened and his face grew crimson as he watched the man behind him lick at his sensitive spots.

"Gil no!" He called out. "I havent had time to prepare." He whined.

   The Prussian lifted his head licking his lips. "Tastes clean to me." He smirked.

   The blond boy turned back closing his eyes tightly in embarrassment as Gil continued to moisten the surface area. Then without warning Matt felt a single finger slip inside of him. He gasped trying not to fall over.

"Does it hurt." Gilbert asked cautiously.

"No, you just surprised me." Matt looked back.

   The crimson eyed male reached for the tap to turn the heat up slightly before the water could run cold. He then continued to slide his fingers in and out of the tender Canadian boy. At the same time he also gripped Matthew's cock as he moved his hands in sync.

"Wait Gil." Matt huffed. "Its too close."

"If you want to cum, you can." Gil whispered.

"No!" Canada protested making Prussia pause. He turned his bright red face, his eyes sparkling from the moisture as he pleeded. "I want us to cum."

   Gilbert's mouth opened for a moment before he snickered. He stood up straight pulling out his own pale shaft sliding it between Matthew's cheaks.

"Then may I?" He asked.

   Matthew nodded slowly and as he did Gil very carefully, slipped himself into the male in front of him. Matt let out a loud yell, but not of pain, it was surprise and pleasure.

"Gil." He breathed swaying his hips.

   The silverette nodded before moving, slowly pulling in and out. As the hole softened and Matt's grip loosened slightly, the prussian began to move harder, listening to his partners seductive cries. He leaned in over Matthew placing a hand on the shower to hold himself up. He got close to Matt's ear before whispering gently.

"Mattie, are you alright." He worried.

   Canada's eyes widened, he expected in a moment like this for Gil to be agressive, maybe more cocky. However he was gentle and cared about Matt's body. The blond stood up straight and Prussia took a step back a little worried by his reaction as he turned to face him.

"Prussia." His eyes welled and just before the pale man could talk Matthew leapt into him almost knocking them over. Matt pressed his lips on Gilbert's and the Prussian wrapped his arms around his waist tightly.

"Hey, why dont we finish the shower then finish this in a place that's more comfortable for you." Gil said.

  Matthew smiled kissing Gilbert's cheak kindly. "You're too sweet too me."

   A sneaky smile crossed the prussians lips. "Did you want me to be mean?" He teased.

"Maybe just a little." Canada winked.

   Prussia's cocky gaze changed quickly before he kissed Matthew again. "As long as its consensual."

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