BC HangOver

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   The next morning Prussia awoke with a killer headache. His room was dark with only a few candles to light it. He looked up to see Canada placing a warm cloth on his forehead. To his surprise his headache eased and he sighed happily.

"I brought you some stuff to help your hangover. I've got water, gatorade, orange juice, and ibuprofen." The small Canadian whispered trying not to upset the hungover Prussian.

   Prussia's eyes throbbed, the light outlined the golden hairs of the younger man that made it look like he was glowing. He saw the tray of hangover treatments and sat up slowly. Canada reached out to help him and the Prussian smiled.

"You're like an Angel." He whispered tiredly.

   Canada blushed lightly and held out the water and pills to him. Prussia slowly took them swallowing them painfully.

"So I guess, since you're babysitting me.... That means I lost."

"In drinking, yes. In stubbornness, no." Canada joked.

   The Prussian snickered at the joke drinking more water.

"Do you still wanna go to
Barkerville today?" Canada asked but it was the kind of question where you expect a no but you ask anyways.

"Yeah." Prussia said surprisingly. "All I need is to finish my car package, have some toast and coffee then we'll be sold."

"You stay here then, I'll get you some." Matthew said getting up and flipping the hot cloth before heading to the door.

"Can I have peanut butter on it?" Prussia said childishly.

Canada turned and snickered. "Would you like your crust cut to?" He said jokingly.

"Yes please." Prussia said snuggling in under the duvé.

Canada let out a soft quiet laugh before leaving to make the Prussians toast and coffee.Prussia looked at his drinks smiling as he thought of the sweet boy taking care of him.

"What a nice kid." He smirked.

   Canada made it to the kitchen and started up the coffee before popping in two slices of toast. He reached up to the cupboard only to be startled by a pale hand that opened it for him. He turned to look up at the smiling Prussian.

"I'm not gonna let you take care of me, I'm a big man." He said proudly.

   Canada laughed and shook his head moving aside. Prussia grabbed the little bear peanut butter and walked over to the toaster.

"So how are we getting there?" Prussia asked.

"I'll drive, we can take the truck." Canada said pointing to the old red Chevy out front.

"Can I drive?" Prussia asked.

"You'll have to go the speed limit." Canada warned.

"The what limit?" Prussia smiled. "We don't need speed limits!"

Canada slowly hid his keys and smiled.

"We'll see."

   Suddenly kumajiro walked into the kitchen laying in front the the blonds feet.

"You hungry kumachika?" Canada asked.

"Starving." He murmured. "Feed me."

Canada reached into the cooler pulling out an icy salmon. He placed it on a plate before putting it in front of the lazy bear.

"You coming to Barkerville little bear?!" Prussia asked excitedly.

Kuma looked up tiredly. "No way eh? I'm gonna go to sleep."

"You need to eat before we do anything." Canada said as the toast popped.

"Gotta get rid of that hang over." Kuma laughed.

Prussia looked at the fluffy cub in shock. What a sassy little bear.


    Later on when Prussia's hangover was settled and the two had packed everything they needed they finally were on the road. Prussia's little curious face stared out the window. His eyes were glittering reds and reflected greens.

"I have never seen so many trees in my life." He said.

   Canada was a bit surprised. Prussia had been around a very long time, before cities and streets covered the world.

"Not ever?" The blonde questioned.

"Not in all my years." Prussia answered like an old man. "Well, other than the trees at that crazy face Russia's place, but I was a little preoccupied. Not to focused on sight seeing."

   Canada thought about what Prussia was saying but then shook his head not wanting to pry. "You should have seen the trees when I was little. I use to make France and England very angry when I made them lose there way in the woods." Canada remembered.

"You did that on purpose?!" Prussia said shocked at the innocent figures betrayal.

"Huh? No! It was an accident! I would never get them lost on purpose!" Canada quickly tried to explain.

"Sure, I believe you, you little minx, your secrets safe with me." Prussia winked.

"There's no secret." Canada blushed.

"Oh so it's okay to tell France you did it on purpose?" Prussia asked laughingly.

"No! I didn't do it on purpose!" Canada whined.

    Prussia snickered and looked back out the window. "I'm funny."

   Canada sighed and looked back to the road. The long highway of trees soon disappeared and they arrived at a parking lot. It was full of pickup trucks, SUVs and a few cars.

"Come on." Canada said hopping out.

   Prussia followed and chased after Canada around the corner to a long set of buildings that looked like something out of an old western. Prussia's eyes widened at the rebuilt mining town.

"Wow!" He said amazed as he ran in like an excited child.

"Prussia!" Canada called quietly.

   But Prussia was already checking out all the old buildings. He stopped at a handsome man who was welding metal. Prussia looked around at the little gecko and scorpions the man had crafted.

"Excuse me?" Prussia called.

   Canada caught sight of the Prussian crossing the rope and he ran over to him trying to stop him.

"Prussia! You can't cross the rope!" He called.

   The tall blonde stopped when he saw the Prussian whispering in the rugged mans ear. The man looked up to canada and smiled nodding. He dismounted the iron block and aloud Prussia to take over. The man crossed the rope and stood beside canada.

"He said he knows how, he asked if he could make something." The other male said.

"He was around when it was invented." Canada sighed calming down.

"So he's a country too?" The man said taking interest.

"He was.... A very powerful country." Canada smiled sadly.

   The man stopped and looked at the happy snowy haired albino as he headed to the fire to soften the iron.

"Oh! So he's THAT country.... What's he doing here?" The man asked.

   Canada paused and looked down at the lightly bearded man realizing he was just as lost as he was.

"I have no idea." He said honestly.

"Maybe he knows about what you did for him?" The man pushed.

   Canada looked at Prussia who had become very serious as he pounded the iron into the horse. He adjusted his glasses and just smiled.

"He can remember my name you know?  He's the first one. But I don't think he knows." Canada said honestly.

   The man looked at each country before unfolding his arms.

"If you say so. I'm taking my break.... Make sure he doesn't break anything."

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