BC on the Ferrie

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The time had finally come to board the large BC ferrie and Gil was jumping in his seat as they could finally leave the truck and go on the boat. Gil followed Matthew through the maze of cars to a set of almost hidden stairs that lead to the upper decks. When they made it upstairs there were large paintings of killer wails and dolphins on the ships walls.

"Awe man are we gonna see an Orca!" Prussia asked.

"Maybe? Maybe we'll see seals, we'll have to wait and see." Canada nodded.

"I am PUMPED!"

Canada couldn't help but laugh at the Prussian as they walked through the ship. Prussia stopped when he heard laser like shooting and glanced over into a dark room.

"Hm?" Canada paused looking at the Prussian. "Why did you stop?"

"I hear.... Something?" He said walking closer to the room.

"That's just-"


The silverette moved on towards the room like a stealthy spy. He peered his head into the room and his eyes widened.

"An arcade!!" He yelled excitedly. "What the frickin frack is this gorgeous thing doing on a ferry?!"

Canada followed the childish Prussian into the games room. The red eyed male sat in a car chair and looked back at the tall blond.

"Race me?" He said with a pouty stare.

Canada smiled and laughed to himself before sitting beside Prussia in the other plastic car seat. He passed Prussia a loonie and then took one for himself.

"You gonna get beat so bad white boy." Prussia snickered.

"But, I.... You-... You're albino?" Canada stuttered.

"I can't here you white boy! I'm too busy being AWESOME!!"

"Because.... You're.... I'm?!" The maple loving moose of a boy couldn't hold his tongue as he became more confused.

"Oh! Just race me already!" Prussia yelled.

Canada shook his head and looked at the wheel. "Right!" He said focussing.


Later after the two had battled it out on the race track, they retired to the white spot on board and sat down for some chicken strips. As Prussia tried to explain how amazing he was at the game he was startled by the vibrating of his phone. He almost forgot all about it until that moment. He pulled it out and saw the contact biting his lip.

"What's wrong?" Canada asked a bit concerned.

Prussia looked up with wide eyes. "Nothing! Just my baby bro, probably asking for some brotherly advice." He smiled.

He flicked his thumb across the phone and answered it.

"Helloooo my brotha!" He said.

Germany's voice sounded a bit unimpressed. "Don't hello brotha me." He growled. "When are you coming home?"

"Home? I've still got a whole country to see?! Haven't you ever been to canada it's HUGE!!" Prussia laughed.

"What happened to 'I'm just going to grace them with my presence.'?" He quoted.

"Haha don't worry baby bro! I'll be home as soon as Canada shows me all the hot spots! Thanks for worrying about me! I gotta go!"

Germany sighed. "Fine. Keep me posted." Then he hung up.

Canada looked a bit upset. He didn't mean to, it was just that hearing Prussia would eventually have to go back home was kind of a bummer. He slightly dreaded his new friend leaving. But he had already known he wasnt going to stay forever. So he smiled and looked at Prussia puzzled.

"Germany?" He asked.

"Yup! He's all worried about me, how cute is that?!" The silverette laughed.

Canada chuckled admitting it was pretty adorable that the giant serious male would have to worry about his bigger brother like that.

"That's sweet, my country is one of the safest so he has nothing to fear, I'm sure!" Canada reminded.

"No guns or military equipment all over the place must make it pretty quiet." Prussia agreed. "Especially compared to your brother."

"Didn't you teach him once?" Canada remembered.

Prussia snickered. "Yup, waaaay back when he wanted to be independent, that little sucker is as full of himself as-"

"You?" Canada said innocently

Prussia was a bit surprised by the answer. "I'm actually as awesome as I say!" He yelled. "Savage..."

"I- I'm sorry!" Canada said realizing what he said.

Prussia laughed. "You scare easily y'know. Don't apologize, you speak your mind, and that's a heck of a lot better then holding secrets." Prussia played.

"Yeah? Thank you." Canada blushed.

"Awe look at you, getting all embarrassed, how cute are you?!" Prussia snickered.

"Pretty cute." Canada admitted. "Do you want to go up top and see the water?" He asked.

"Yeah!" Prussia said standing up.

"Wait! You didn't eat your chicken!" Canada reminded.

The sliver haired boy sat back down. "Protein for my sexy body." He sang before digging in.

Canada laughed and they ate before heading to the top deck.

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