BC The Mandy Doll

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   Prussia and Canada were finally leaving Barkerville. Prussia had an old beaver satchel full of gift shop junk. In his hands however he held a humungous blue jaw breaker the size of his face.

"That was so sick!" Prussia yelled before licking the jaw breaker. "Where to next?!"

"Well, we can stay at my village home in Quesnel... But before that I wanna show you our haunted doll." Canada said with a bit of a villainous smile.

"Haunted.... Doll?" Prussia said waiting for canada to unlock the truck door.

   Canada let him in and Prussia sat in wait for the curly haired boy to go on. Canada started up the truck then looked over to Prussia a bit startled by the intense stare.

"Oh? You wanna know the tale?" He asked.

   Prussia nodded and held his jaw breaker close.

"Her name is Mandy.... My brother calls her the bride of chucky." Canada started. "A while back there was an old woman who lived alone. One day while she was doing her dishes she heard a baby crying. So she went in search for the baby. She couldn't find the child but only found a broken china doll."

   Prussia's eyes widened still hugging the jaw breaker.

"The woman cleaned the doll the best she could. She then placed the doll in the window. That night the woman heard the window close and blinds shut. The ugly shattered doll sat in the centre of the room with the windows and curtains closed."

"No way." Prussia said in disbelief.

"The woman thought that some kids had done it. So she put the doll back in the window. But once again the window closed and the doll was on the floor. The old woman began to worry because every night she could hear a baby crying." Canada nodded. "So the woman gave the doll to the Quesnel museum. There is where the more spooky things went down."

"More spooky then that?!" Prussia yelled.

"Mhm. When the doll first arrived it was placed with the other dolls. The shop keeper closed up and when she opened it the next day, all the dolls faces were cracked, just like the Mandy dolls."

"She broke their FACES?!"

"Yup. Then they placed her in a glass case. They had a photographer take pictures. They were left in the red room over night. In the morning the pictures were covered in red paint and they found the brush in the dolls hand."

"This is such crap." Prussia snapped.

"One night when the owner was closing up her computer mysteriously shut down, it then rebooted itself with a massive photo of the Mandy doll and froze." Canada finished. "Now there is a piece of paper on her case that says please no photographs, if you take one you'll be cursed."

   Prussia bit his lip but when canada caught him curled up he straightened up.

"Yeah right! Show me this doll then!" Prussia said bravely.

"I will, but you have to promise, no photographs." Canada warned.

"Scouts honour!" Prussia promised.


   The two countries arrived at the old wooden Museum. Behind it was a park full of children while just up the hill by the elementry school lay an old graveyard. Prussia gulped and allowed Canada to lead him into the Museum. A woman in perhaps her late 40's sat at the front desk adjusting her glasses.

"Hello there Matthew!" She said excitedly.

"Hello Ms. Claire." Canada returned the greeting.

"Did you come to show your friend Mandy?" She asked looking up at the snowy haired Prussian.

"Lady, is this haunted doll of yours the real deal?" Prussia cut in rudely.

The lady smiled and pointed into the museum. "Why not go ask her yourself?"

Prussia looked down the hall filled with mesmerizing items. He nodded his head as if to tell himself. "Let's do this."

   Canada walked by him into the museum. Everything was pretty clustered and average at first until he caught sight of an old type writer in its own little corner with an entire set. There by the table stood a pedestal with a locked glass case. Prussia stopped dead and there he met the Mandy Doll. The doll looked like a baby. It's face was happy but it was cracked and looked worn. She wore a sweet white tattered dress and a tiny lamb sat on her lap. There was a keychain to her side with beads that read Mandy.

"Creepy." Prussia admired.

   Just like Canada had said, there was a note on the glass that read. "Please no photography." This made Prussia want to take a picture even more.

"So you're Canada's haunted doll?" He played. "I didn't know Canada played with dolls." He snickered.

"Careful Prussia, don't make her upset." Canada warned generally concerned.

   Prussia stared into the dolls eyes. The worn out sockets looked as if she had been crying. Prussia looked closer and their ancient eyes met. A glimmer of light flashed in the dolls eyes startling Prussia making him bump into the tall Canadian.

"You okay?" Canada asked.

"Oh yeah!" Prussia said standing tall. "Just startled myself a bit. I'm pretty scary."

Canada looked confused. "Do you want to move on?"

"Yeah sure," Prussia said allowing Canada to pass.

   In that quick few seconds of Canada walking away he was able to sneak a snap with his phone before running after the Canadian.


   Canada and Prussia left the museum with yet more junk from the shop. Prussia was gonna need another suitcase when he left... Or maybe another plane.

   They drove over to a tiny bakery where Canada escaped with a large white box.

"Be prepared to be amazed." Canada smiled passing Prussia the box.

   Prussia flung open the lid to see over a dozen custard filled long johns.

"So many donuts, you're gonna give me diabetes." Prussia fretted.

"You don't have to eat them." Canada said a bit heart broken.

   He looked over to see Prussia already stuffing his face. His cheeks had white cream all over and canada looked at him shocked holding in a laugh.

"Oh mein goooooooott.... Wooorth." He moaned.

"This looks pretty bad." Canada bit.

   Prussia looked at himself and snickered ready to make things awkward.

"Mmmmm I love Canada's custard filled long Jean in my mouth, so tasty." He moaned.

   Canada blushed and lightly hit Prussia burning up red. "Y-you... Wha- I...." He stammered.

Prussia snickered and cleansed off his face. "So fun." He snickered.

Canada snatched a long Jean and started the truck pouting.

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