Chapter 1

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        "PLUUUTOOO!" Finnian whined as he chased after the white demon hound down the corridor, the other three servants chasing after him. 

        "Stop." Sebastian stood in front of the hound with a grimace across his face, he held out a gloved hand in front of the beasts mouth, "Now give them back."

        I peered around the corner to see a angry Sebastian with only his boxers on, I grinned ear to ear and held in a laugh.

        Pluto whimpered as he opened his mouth and dropped a saliva covered pair of black trousers into Sebastian's arms, he turned back into a human and hid behind Finnian.

        Sebastian caught me peeking at him and his face flushed.

        I rolled my eyes and giggled a little. 'It's not like I didn't see him in his underwear that entire time we were in the sun room after that one incident.' I thought to myself.

        I turned around and walked down the corridor and headed to the kitchen to get Ciel's afternoon tea since Sebastian was busy trying to get his pants back on. My feet padded gently on the carpet on the main staircase as I walked down it. The manor was a little quiet for being an afternoon. 

        In the kitchen I pulled out the tea cart, and began to set dishes and cups on it. I had baked a cake this morning so I placed a piece on a decorated platter and set it down to join the rest of the tea time things. 

        "Boo!" A voice whispered in my ear causing me to jump and spill tea leaves all over the kitchen tiles.

        "Dammit! You scared me!" I turned around and my eyes locked on a pair of familiar emerald green ones, I immediately smiled and hugged Ronald Knox.

        "Miss me?" Ronald laughed and hugged me tightly right back and chuckled, his blonde cowlick wiggled a little.

        "What are you doing here?" I asked him as I got out a broom and dustpan and began to sweep up the tea leaves I spilled.

        "Just on a break. By break I mean I actually ditched Will." Ronald grinned, his eyes glinted brilliantly behind his thick framed glasses.

        "You better get back to work soon then Ronald, Will is going to cut your pay, I can already tell." I said in a sarcastic voice trying to mimic Will. 

        "Hmph, where's your demon lover?" Ronald snorted and slumped down at a wooden chair at the kitchen table.

        "Trying to get his pants back from Pluto." I laughed a little and poured some tea leaves into the tea pot.

        "To be honest, I would like it better if you chose me over Sebastian, I would treat you better and I wouldn't try to do anything creepy to you." Ronald twirled a spoon around using his index finger while his chin rested in his other hand.

        "I have grown to love him you know, other than being an ass, he's actually a nice guy. Plus, he hasn't done anything that I don't want him to honestly." I replied as I adjusted things on the cart.

        "You know I still lo-" Ronald looked at me awkwardly and his face turned a little pink.

        "________!" Ciel called from the study.

        "Coming!" I yelled back and looked at the awkward Ronald sitting at the table, "Sorry Ronald, I have to go take tea to Ciel." My (e/c) eyes locked on his.

        "It's whatever. I have to go back to work anyway." Ronald sighed as he stood up and pushed his chair into the table.

        "Will you be coming back later?" I asked and tilted my head a little, my (e/c) locks were tied up with a black bow.

        "Uh, sure...I will have to ask. See ya." Ronald said glumly as he scratched the back of his head and left the kitchen through the back door.

        I grabbed the metal bar of the cart and pushed it through the kitchen doors, and made my way to the study. 

        I opened the door and smiled, "Yes Ciel?" I looked at the young boy, he was standing in front of one of the big windows, the curtains twirled a little from a cool breeze.

        "Sebastian and I have been talking, we agree that you are just about as good of a caregiver  as him," Ciel looked at me with his blue eye, "therefore we are thankful and think that you should be at my side more than Sebastian." Ciel turned his attention to the front of the manor, the flowers in the flower beds were turning paler and dying due to summer ending.

        "I will gladly accept, its an honor, thank you." I bowed my head and smiled, then walked over to the tea cart and began to pour a cup of tea for Ciel.

        "We have also been trying to figure out a case for a while..." Ciel looked at me again, his face was now serious, "Your case."

        His mouth seemed to move into slow motion as he spoke those two words, I lost grip of his tea cup and it fell to the floor and shattered, laying on a puddle of earl grey.

        "I know this is hard for you, but who were your parents?" Ciel stood in front of the window.

        "My parents? I don't remember them. My mother gave me to a woman named Angelina Durless, the woman was not able to have children due to an accident that killed her husband, she was alone before my mother decided to leave me on her doorstep." I furrowed my eyebrows trying to remember, then fixed my (e/c) gaze to Ciel's now shocked expression.

        "I see,  can you explain to me what this woman looked like?" Ciel calmly replied with a slight smirk on his face.

        "She was lovely, he had red hair that she inherited from her father and would often dress in red, which was quite a beautiful color on her." I smiled remembering my adoptive mother.

        "She had a sister." Ciel locked his gaze onto mine.

        "I know, but how did..." I trailed off and looked back at Ciel, my (e/c) eyes shined warmly, "We would often visit her sister and her husband. I remember the day Angelina found out her sister was pregnant, she was happy but she would not stop crying, I was seven years old so I didn't understand and would try to cheer her up by going outside and picking her wildflowers and making paintings and drawings for her." I looked down at the puddle of tea and intricate pieces of broken porcelain on the floor and tried not to cry.

        "Do you remember her sisters name?" Ciel walked a little closer to me with and interested expression.

        My eyes widened and my head shot up at Ciel, my eyes danced with happiness.

        "Her name was Rachel," I looked up at Ciel and smiled, some happy tears started to run down my cheeks as I ran to him and embraced him, "Rachel Phantomhive." 

        Ciel tensed, but returned the hug. I wouldn't let him go, he was my aunts son! 

        Ciel was my cousin.

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