Chapter 9 a.

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        "How the hell did you manage to shave Pluto?!" I shouted at Finny as a naked Pluto cuddled me. Poor Pluto, half of his hair was shaved and the other half was now level with his jaw. I'd hate to see what he looked like in demon hound form.

        "W-well you see, Grell came by when you were in the hospital and he was freaking out because he wanted to see Mister Sebastian, an' he had large sheep shears and was about to kill all of us!" Finny began to re-inact the scene.

        "I wrestled Grell to the ground and Pluto came running and I got a hold of Grells' shears and I got up but I tripped and...." Finny began to tear up a little, "I lost control of the shears and shaved Pluto!" Finny glomped me and sobbed hysterically.

        Pluto nuzzled his head into my neck and started crying too.

        "I'm so sorry Plutooo!" Finny wrapped both of his arms around Pluto and I.

        I was stuck between a very strong Finny and a naked Pluto. I squinted my eyes and tried to prevent myself from blushing as I tried to squeeze out of Finny's grip. Just the thought of a naked man cuddling me was making me want to shove my head in the oven and slam the door on it.

        "Finny, Pluto....." Sebastian appeared behind the dog-maid-gardener sandwich, "Please let go of _________." He said calmly.

        "Waaah! I'm sorry Mister Sebastian!" Finny sniffled and wiped away a few tears, but still clung to me. Pluto whined and licked my cheek.

        "Please guys. Get off of me!" I shouted and abruptly stood up.

        "We're sorry _________." Finny wiped his face on his sleeve.

        "It's okay guys. I'm not made of taffy though." I replied and adjusted my apron.

        "My love, would you mind helping me clean off the dining table? Young master is finished for this evening." Sebastian smiled at me.

        "Yes sir." I replied and followed him down the hall.

        Sebastian suddenly stopped in front of the sun room and turned to me. "I already cleared the table but I thought I would tell you about Ciel and Lau. I also made some tea and chocolate wasn't too big of a deal." Sebastian smirked and opened the door.

        "Oh, you didn't have to go through so much trouble!" I smiled and laughed.

        Sebastian closed the door behind him and sat down across from me in his usual arm chair.

        "I guess a lot of things happened while I was gone. Grell freaking out, Pluto being shaved and now Ciel and Lau? Sheesh, it feels like I've been gone for months!" I muttered a bit and sipped on tea.

        "I had heard some people talking in London about a lovely hair piece from Korea that was supposedly magical. Now I don't know a lot about magic or witches of the sort but it seemed very strange that everyone knew about it." Sebastian picked up his teacher glasses from the table and put them on.

        "According to Lau this hair piece was very expensive and belonged to a lost princess. The lost princess had kept the hair piece which was her mothers and her mother was such a happy woman that when she died, her soul was incased into the hair piece. Which seems very rediculous to me." He leaned back and loosened his tie a little.

        "A magic hair piece that bestows happiness onto anyone that owns it, I'm guessing?" I asked, raising an eyebrow and picking up a small plate of cake.

        "Very correct, Kitten." Sebastian purred and winked, "I thought it would be the perfect gift for you but of course it was very risky trying to get the hair piece."

        "Oh?" I asked and took a bite of cake.

        "The hair piece was supposed to go to the museum in London and it was on a cargo ship. This cargo ship was full of guards and police men. That cargo ship was surrounded by other cargo ships full of guards." Sebastian nodded, "Now, what can distract men for a brief amount of time?" Sebastian looked at me and smirked.

        "Please don't tell me. Ciel had to dress up as a woman and trot around being very sluttish?" I laughed.

        "Exactly. We had Lau and Ran-Mao dress Ciel up in a revealing dress similar to all of the other girls Lau is always with. Next we got aboard the main cargo ship and Ciel sat on the guard that was guarding the hair piece. Ciel cuddled with the guard but I told him that just doing that wouldn't be good enough." Sebastian's eyes gleamed mischieviously.

        My eyes widened and I ate the rest of my cake.

        "Ciel had to take off the mans pants while I grabbed the hair piece. Lau used his opium smoke to fog the entire ship up, allowing us to escape." Sebastian smiled, took off his glasses and placed them back on the table.

        My jaw dropped and I almost splashed tea onto my lap.

        "Ciel had to...?!" I shouted in dis-belief.

        Sebastian nodded, "If I can talk Ciel into taking off another mans pants, then it shouldn't be hard for me to make you take off mine." Sebastian said in a husky voice, his eyes flashing pink.

        "I don't think so." I glared at him and placed my cup onto the table suddenly not wanting my tea.

        "Want to make a bet?" Sebastian placed a finger to his lips.

        "If I make a bet with a demon, I will lose either way so...I'm going to have to pass on that one." I grinned and stood up.

        Sebastian sighed and got up. He walked over to me and kissed me on the lips.

        "It's good to have you back my Kitten." He whispered softly and pulled me close to him.

        "It's nice to be wrapped in your arms again, Sebastian." I smiled.

His Kitten, Falling Down - Sebastian x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now