Chapter 12

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        "So this is the Bennett's house?" I asked as Sebastian, Ciel and I stood at the front gate of a pretty house.

        Large maple trees surrounded most of the house and a white wall stretched all the way around the property. The grass was very green on their front lawn.

        "I believe so, shall we go in?" Sebastian nodded and looked at Ciel.

        "Let's go." Ciel sighed, pushing open the front gate.

        Sebastian closed the gate behind me and we walked up the pathway to the front of the house. We knocked on the door and waited. The wind had kicked up a bit, making the trees shake. 

        "H-hello?" A young woman answered the door, she had orange hair and it was braided into a pony tail.

        "Yes, we would like to speak with your guardian or the head of the house." Ciel replied.

        "Oh, I'm the only one here at the moment. My aunt and uncle have gone on a trip and they asked me to look after Reed, my little cousin." The young woman smiled a little and stepped out of our way, "Please come in, my name is Kelly."

        "Thank you kindly." Ciel nodded and Sebastian and I followed him inside.

        The inside of the house was very welcoming, the moment we walked in, we were in a large living area, to the right of us was a small hallway, to the right was a study and there was a staircase at the end of the room. 

        "Please, allow me to take your hat, coat and cane sir." Kelly smiled, reaching for Ciel's hat.

        "Oh no, it's fine, I got it." I gave Kelly a smile as Ciel handed me his jacket.

        "I'll go get some tea." Kelly bowed and walked down the hall.

        After putting Ciel's hat, cane and jacket along with Sebastian's jacket on a coat hanger, Sebastian and I sat on the sofa while Ciel took the armchair. Shortly after we had sat down, Kelly came back with a tea tray. She placed it down on the table and poured all of us a cup of tea. Ciel gladly took his and sipped on it.

        "So, what can I do for you?" Kelly sat down in the sofa across from Sebastian and I.

        "We wanted to ask about Reed." Ciel placed his cup down, "I'm Ciel Phantomhive and I work for the Queen. We've been working on a case that has to do with missing children, the Bennett's name was on the list of suspicions which initially means, we are trying to make sure no one goes missing here." Ciel looked at Kelly with a serious face.

        "Oh, I see...Reed has been acting strange. He even caught a cold and has been sleep walking." Kelly looked out the window, "He's been waking up in cold sweats screaming about a woman, he worries me." She sighed and looked back at us.

        "How long have you been looking after Reed?" Sebastian asked.

        "Oh, I've been here in the house for a month, my aunt and uncle just left yesterday. Something about a farmers market." Kelly explained.

        "Is Reed okay to come talk to us? We have a few questions." Sebastian and Ciel looked at each other in agreement.

        "He's been feeling fine today, I'll go get him." Kelly smiled, got up and walked up the stairs.

        "Sebastian, the woman he's been dreaming about...what if its Hannah?" I looked at Sebastian, worried.

        "If it is, we just need to be very careful." Sebastian kissed me on the forehead and held my hand.

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