Chapter 5

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        "Kitten..." Sebastian's voice wakes me up in the middle of the night.

        I blink my (e/c) eyes and my gaze focuses on Sebastian towering over me.

        "What time is it?" I ask yawning.

        "It's two in the morning, you've only been asleep for a couple of hours but you need to get up." Sebastian whispers.

        I sit up and see Ciel, Lau and Soma by the door. I blink a few more times before I get up, put on my black flats and a jacket.

        "Agni has left, just as I suspected. We are going to follow him." Sebastian explains while I fix my hair.

        "All of us are going?" I ask.

        Everyone nods in agreement and we all leave the house.

*     *     *

        Once outside, we can see Agni walking in the distance so we all decide to follow him quietly.

        "I've been aware of him leaving in the night but I have no idea where he has been going. It's very strange." Soma says in his thick accent.

        We continue to follow Agni in the night, the cold air sends me shivers and I huddle up next to Sebastian as we walk.

        "Are you cold?" Sebastian looks down at me.

        I nod and shiver some more. Sebastian pulls me closer to him for warmth.

        Agni suddenly stops in front of a buidling that is surrounded by a tall wall.

        "Wait is this?" I walk a few steps in front of the others and look at the house.

        "Maybe we will understand what's going on now." Ciel mumbles under his breath, and he pulls his hood over his head making himself look like an Eskimo.

        "What do you mean? Who lives here?" Soma questions Ciel in a bit of a panic.

        "It's okay, you will see..." Lau trails off as he tries to calm Soma down.

        "Lau doesn't even know who lives here. This house belongs to-" Ciel begins to say but I cut him off.

        "This is the home of Harold West Jebb and he imports many different things...he's strange and I've heard he has a criminal record." I conclude as I begin to walk towards the building.

        "We must be in the same business then." Lau smiles to himself as he and the others follow me.

        "West usually imports Indian spices and teas...Meena's name is in some of his papers since he owns a coffee shop and most of the business was in Bengal." Sebastian adds.

        "Bengal? That's where I'm from!" Soma says in shock.

        "That hanging from the other day probably didn't hurt the business since West wasn't around." Sebastian says as we stop in front of the building's large wall.

        "Well, there's only one way to go." I say as I jump up and grab a hold of the top of the wall. Sebastian helps me by placing his hands firmly on my butt and pushing me the rest of the way over. I curse at him and my face turns red.

        Ciel shortly comes over the wall along with Sebastian and then Lau and Soma also get over the wall. I take a few steps forward and my foot makes a twig snap causing something to emit a low growl.

His Kitten, Falling Down - Sebastian x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now