Chapter 9

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                                                        ~ Sebastian's P.O.V. ~

        I walked into the london hospital with a bouquet of flowers cradled in my left arm. _________ had been in the hospital for four days and today they were going to remove her bandages so I bought her some flowers.

        "Excuse me, may I have a visitors pass?" I asked the nurse at the reception desk.

        "I don't see why not, do you still have yesterdays? You've been here every day at different times." She gloomily looked up at me from her paper-work.

        "You see madam, I left it in my other pants pocket. I need another one." I smirked.

        I heard a few of the nurses that were looking around the corner giggle. I flashed a sly, mischievous look towards them. They giggled even louder before walking away. The nurse I was talking to tore a piece of paper from the visitor's pass notepad and quickly filled it out.

        "Mister Michaelis, don't cause any more trouble." She glared at me and handed me the slip of yellow paper.

        "Now why would a butler like me do anything of the sort?" I winked, shoving the paper into my pocket.

        I walked down the crisp hallway, the smell of blood and cleaning fluids filled my nose. You see, my senses are much stronger than a humans'. The smells in a hospital can be a bit...over-powering. I reached _________'s room and gently knocked before letting myself in.

        "My love, I brought you some flowers." I chimed and stepped inside, closing the door behind me.

        _________ smiled and held her arms out to me. I placed the bouquet on the small table by her bed. I leaned down to her so she could hug me. I gave her a kiss on the head before standing up straight.

        "Sebastian, thank you!" _________ smiled as she picked up her bouquet and smelled it.

        "Of course." I smiled and pulled up a chair close to her bedside.

        "I get this off today. I hope everything will be okay." _________ looked down at her flowers a little worried.

        I placed my hand on her shoulder, "You'll be okay. I will go with you." 

        _________ looked at me happily.

*     *     *

        I looked at the beautiful flowers Sebastian had given me. He was so kind to me and it made me feel like I would burst from happiness.

        "_________? We have to go take off your bandages now."

        I was snapped out of my daze as a nurse walked in with a wheelchair. I looked over at Sebastian with worry, he nodded reassuringly and squeezed my hand.

        I got up after handing my bouquet to Sebastian and the nurse helped me into the wheelchair. Sebastian placed the bouquet down and followed the nurse and I out of the room, closing the door behind him.

        The nurse pushed me down the hall to a room with large windows. The doctor was standing patiently by another nurse. He had a white coat, glasses, a white shirt with a black tie, black pants and black shoes. He pushed his glasses up and smirked, I noticed that his eyes were very green. I felt Sebastian place his hand on my shoulder.

        "Well, _________. How has your day been?" The doctor smiled and walked over to me.

        "I've been better, honestly." I laughed.

His Kitten, Falling Down - Sebastian x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now