Chapter 10

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        Rolling over in bed, I groaned and smacked Sebastian in the chest. He had been pretending to sleep just so he would seem a little bit more human...he had a fake heart beat and attempted to eat human food a couple of times just for me.

        "What's wrong?" He asked, his voice seeming sleepy.

        "I can't sleep, it's too stuffy and hot in this damn room." I kicked off the blankets and curled up into a ball.

        "I can fix that." Sebastian replied, he placed his cold lips onto the back of my neck.

        I jumped and almost fell off the bed from the sudden coldness.

        "Jerk!" I stuck my tongue out at him; even if it was dark, he was going to just FEEL my stubbornness.

        "Well, you were complaining and it seemed okay." Sebastian chuckled and reached out at me.

        I scooted back to him and sighed. He wrapped his bare arms around me, which were also cold so it felt nice.

        "Are you always this cold?" I raised an eyebrow.

        "Are you complaining?" He asked.

        "Stop asking me questions. I asked you first." I rolled over to face him.

        There was a gust of wind outside, causing the manor to howl and creak.

        "Sebastian!" I shivered and shoved my face against his chest and hugged him tightly.

        "It's just the wind. I can take your mind off of things if you'd like." Sebastian replied, his eyes flashed a little pink. His fingers tip-toed up my side causing me to let out a small squeak.

        "Now's not the time! Its too damn hot in here and you will make things worse!" I frowned.

        "First you're too hot and then I'm too cold." Sebastian tilted his head, some of his hair dangling over his left eye, "Is there no pleasing you?"

        "Damn right there isn't." I replied, sitting up and swinging my legs over the side of the bed.

        I heard Sebastian sit up and scoot close to me. He draped one of his cold arms across my chest and rested his head on my shoulder.

        "Where are you going?" Sebastian asked in a smooth voice.

        "I want to open that window up there just to get some air in here." I nodded up towards the window above the bed.

        "Alright..." Sebastian let go of me. I crawled back onto the bed and stood on my tip-toes.
"Don't go crawling out the window again." Sebastian chuckled.

        I reached the small swivel that opens the window with my fingertips and pulled it. A small gust of wind instantly filled the room.

        "How did you know that?" I sat back onto the bed.

        Sebastian suddenly tackled me and pinned me down, he looked quite intimidating above me, "I know everything, remember?" He purred and kissed my neck.

        I shuddered at his cold lips and writhed beneath him. I expected Sebastian to stop but he kept going, leaving a trail of icy kisses on my neck. His fingertips lingered on my waist and I let out a whimper and closed my eyes (e/c) tightly.

        "Sebastian...please..." I whispered.

        Sebastian leaned his face down, inches away from mine. I could feel his breath tingle my lips, "Please what?"

*     *     *

        Waking up in the morning was a bit odd, something didn't feel right. I looked next to me and saw my raven-haired butler who seemed asleep even though he probably wasn't. I couldn't place my finger on what didn't seem right. . . I didn't even remember what happened last night after I opened the window. I slid out of bed and shuffled to the small washroom, stretching my arms.

        I groggily closed the door behind me and peered into the mirror above the sink. My (e/c) hair surprisingly looked smoothed for once, usually its all over the place after I wake up. My eyes grew wide as I saw some marks all over my neck and there was one on my left wrist. I blushed and opened the cabinet to look for something to cover them up.

        I sighed, closing the cabinet empty-handed. I grabbed my usual outfit for the day and got undressed but I realized. . .there was another mark on my inner thigh! I gasped and quickly pulled on my white pantyhose which covered it at least, I got ready as fast as possible trying not to freak out.

        I took a final look into the mirror and opened the washroom door. Sebastian was standing by the bed, pulling his black pants on. Looking at his pale, bare torso reminded me that it was pressed against mine last night while he panted in my ear. I felt very dizzy and instantly collapsed onto the floor.


        My eyes shot open and I saw Sebastian along with the servants peering over me. I had gotten used to waking up from black outs in the sun room on this couch. This couch...yup we've been through a lot.

        "________ are you okay?" Sebastian looked at me with worry dancing in his eyes.

        Last night they were dancing with a bit of lust and power. I shuddered and closed my eyes but slowly nodded.

        "Goodness gracious, you need to stop fainting like that miss!" Finny beamed at me with a puppy looking face. Pluto nudged my hand and licked my face.

        "Maybe you need some tea!" Mey-Rin smiled, pushing her round glasses up.

        "Tea ain't gonna help her!" Bard frowned, "What about a cigarette?" he grinned and fumbled in his pocket for a pack of the cancer sticks. I stared at him with disapproval.

        "It's probably because she doesn't have enough vitamins or something along the lines of that." Ciel mumbled. I hadn't seen him sitting in a chair across from me.

        "Maybe it's Sebastian's fault!" A girl with long pink hair wearing a maid outfit stammered. She was sitting in the window.

        All of us looked at her with astonished faces. We then turned towards the doorway because Ronald had randomly shown up.

        "I agree, Sebastian is quite the lady killer so I've heard." Ronald popped his head into the room.

        "BASSY HOW DARE YOU GO AND-" Grell shoved Ronald into the carpet but was quickly pulled back by William.

        Ronald would have a carpet burn across his face for a few days. William's hand appeared again and grabbed Ronald by his blonde hair and dragged him out of the room as well.

        I tugged Sebastian's hair last night. . . .I closed my eyes again and shook my head.

        "Who in the bloody hell are you and WHY ARE THESE REAPERS HERE?!" Ciel was fuming as he stood up and stamped his feet.

        The pink-haired girl immediately jumped down from the windowsill and disappeared along with the reapers.

        "Why do I always wake up to situations like this?" I rubbed my forehead and sat up. 

        "That's not the only thing you happen to wake up to." Sebastian winked and held a finger to his lips.

        "Shut it." I glared at him, a slight blush creeping into my face.

        Sebastian winked at me again and helped me up.

        "I hope you and Sebastian know that we are going to be taking a trip to London and we will be staying in the town house for a little while. . .the Queen has some business for me." Ciel calmly stated and took a sip of tea.

        "That's no problem, I'll go pack." I smiled, I also elbowed Sebastian in the ribs because he had slyly moved one of his hands to my lower back and it was traveling lower.

        "Would you like me to help?" Sebastian looked down to me.

        "No, I'm sure I'll be okay without you towering over me." I replied, leaving the sun room.

        'Great, another trip. I wonder what mess I'll get in to this time.'


Authors note~ The random pink haired girl was princesslunarulez's OC. She asked me kindly if her OC could be in the story so I put her in there for a second. I thought it would be funny to have random people show up like they always do when the main character faints. . .because I'm weird like that                                             ヾ(@゜∇゜@)ノ

His Kitten, Falling Down - Sebastian x ReaderWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt