Chapter 6 a.

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        "You are going to stay here," Sebastian leaned down on one knee so he was at my level, he was wearing his black coat and his hair looked very soft, "Don't answer the door for anyone unless it's me and I was worried that we might not be back before dinner so I made you a meal." Sebastian was like a mother who was leaving their child home alone for the first time.

        "I already know that!" I wrapped my arms around Sebastian's neck.

        "Good. There is a list of emergency phone numbers in case something happens and you should know where the first aid-" Sebastian started rambling again but Ciel decided to pull him away from me.

        "We don't have time for this! Let's get a move on." Ciel grumbled.

        I looked up at Sebastian, stood on my tip-toes and gave him a kiss.

        "Have a great time guys! I'll be okay!" I grinned and waved to Ciel, Sebastian, Soma and the servants as the left the town house. I watched everyone get into a carriage and drive off.

        As soon as I closed the door I felt bored, sadly and there was no work to do since Sebastian cleaned everything from top to bottom before they left. I sit down on the couch in the lounge and let out a sigh. I soon fell asleep on the couch.

*     *     *

        I was abruptly woken up by a knock on the door. I sat up and listened, and there was another knock.

        "Are they back already? Wouldn't Ciel have a key though...?" I thought aloud, but stood up and walked through the short hallway to the front door.

        "Sebastian, I thought you had a key!" I laughed and opened the door.

        "So he isn't home?"

        "I-I'm're not Sebastian..." I crack a smile and laugh a bit awkwardly.


Sh-sh-sh-shh-short chapter! But I had to in order to leave a cliff hanger! xD Gosh dangit I need to stop being so evil. (─‿‿─)  So anyways who do you think is at the door?    And thank you all so much for the lovely comments! *spazzes out a bit but re-adjusts self calmly*

Take a candy! *grins and holds out a basket full of Funtom Candies*

His Kitten, Falling Down - Sebastian x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now