Chapter 7 a.

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        "Sebastian," Ciel sat on a stool in the large washroom as Sebastian sat me on a counter and treated my wounds, "you need to protect her. By all means." Ciel looked at us with a sincere expression.

        "Of course my lord." Sebastian replied, his eyebrows were scrunched together as he concentrated on my face.

        "Ow! That stings!" I cringed and tried to lean away from Sebastian's hands as he tried to dab at my face with rubbing alcohol.

        "I'm so sorry my kitten, look at what it did to your beautiful face." Sebastian held my cheek in his hand and looked at me with a pained expression in his ruby eyes.
"It's my fault for letting him in!" I choked out and began to cry again.

        "___________, look at me, love. Don't you ever say it was your fault. An intruder will do what they have to in order to get what they want the most. Do you understand me?" Sebastian held both sides of my face so I could look up into his stern expression.

        I nodded as I started to breathe heavily. Sebastian came close to me and kissed my cheeks as gentle as butterfly's wings. He rinsed the blood stained, white cloth in a bowl of now pinkish water and he washed my face gently with some soap and water.

        "Young master, go eat dinner. The servants should be here soon with some food." Sebastian looked over his shoulder at Ciel and waved his hand towards the door.

        "Alright, I'm feeling a bit peckish anyway." Ciel nodded and hopped off of the stool and left the bathroom, closing the door behind him.

        "You may not like me saying this but, I need to make sure you are fully okay..." Sebastian placed a finger under his chin as he looked me up and down carefully, "This means I will have to help you bathe." 

        Even though I felt ill, I could feel a strong blush creep up into my face. I quickly covered my face with my hands and peeked at Sebastian with my (e/c) eyes from inbetween my fingers.

        "You have to be kidding! I will not get naked!" I shouted at him, embarrassed.

        Sebastian had a slight blush as well, "I'm sorry but it's the only way. I won't look at you in any other way." Sebastian scratched the back of his head and walked over to the clawfoot tub and began to run some hot water.

        " better not!" I hissed at him as I grabbed a white robe off of its hanger and stripped down to my undergarments before slipping into it.

        "Alright, I hope the water isn't too hot." Sebastian stood up straight and turned around to face me. 

        I sat in front of him on a wooden bench with my arms folded over my chest.

        "Come on, get on with it." Sebastian placed his hands on his hips.

        I let out a sigh and stood up and began to untie my robe. I let the white robe drop down onto the floor and instantly tried to cover myself even though I was wearing undergarments. Sebastian took a step forward and reached out to me but stopped and took a deep breath seeming to collect his thoughts.

        "Why are you looking at me like that?! I look horrible! Avert your eyes immediately!" I turned red and picked up a towel and wrapped myself in it.

        "I'm sorry! I just got a sudden rush of adrenaline. You're beautiful, in all honesty my kitten." Sebastian sighed and placed a hand under my chin.

        I pouted a bit and punched him square in the chest.

        "Your mood swings are going to be the death of me." Sebastian placed his palm on his forehead.

        He grabbed the towel away from me and tossed it to the side. Sebastian then grabbed me by my arms as I tried to cover myself again.

        "Stop that this instant! Don't be such a brat!" Sebastian pinned my arms down to my sides and leaned down to my eye-level, "Do you want to feel better or not?" Sebastian asked.

        I nodded in reply to Sebastian and closed my eyes. I felt his bare hands gently graze my shoulder blades as he unclasped my bra, causing me to shiver.

        "Now, did you want to remove these or should I?" Sebastian asked I could feel him pulling gently at the side of my underwear.

        "U-um, I will." I stammered and opened my eyes, "Just look away and wait until I get into the water." I eyed Sebastian carefully as he nodded and turned around.

        I slipped off the underwear, got into the tub and sank down in the bubbly water. Sebastian turned back around and kneeled by the edge of the tub.

        "Are you comfortable?" Sebastian looked at me with his cute cat-like expression.

        "Yes, the water is perfect." I replied smiling a little.

        "Good, let me see one of your legs." Sebastian commanded abrublty.

        I looked at him like he was a bit crazy but I lifted my left leg out of the water. Sebastian gently held my bare leg in his hands and got a washcloth and began to wash my leg, he then went to the next leg, he hummed gently as he glided his hand up and down my leg and washed my feet causing me to giggle.

        Sebastian's eyes flickered up towards me for a brief second before he dipped the washcloth into the water and rinsed off my right leg. He began to bite his lip as he rinsed off my foot, his eyes turned pink and he quickly stood up and turned his back towards me.

        I sat up quickly, causing some water to slosh out over the tub. "Sebastian, are you alright? I can wash myself if it's too much for you to handle." I tilted my head and looked at the raven haired man.

        "I'm fine, I just need to calm myself down," Sebastian wiped his face as he turned around. "Just let me wash your back." He motioned for me to turn my back to him.

        I sat in the tub with my knees up to my chest as he began to delicately wash my back. Ash had whipped me across my lower and middle back a few times and I flinched each time Sebastian went over the marks.

        "That damned angel is going to pay for this." Sebastian muttered and ringed the washcloth out, "Come on, get out of the tub before it gets cold." He said as he stood up and held a towel open in front of his chest.

        I stood up and Sebastian looked away as I stood in his arms and he dried me off.

        "You know, you handled this pretty well. After all, you are one hell of a butler and are used to these things." I smirked and looked up at Sebastian as he wrapped another towel around me.

        "Of course, my kitten." Sebastian smirked back and kissed me.

        "I have a question though...." I frowned as soon as Sebastian pulled away.

        "Hm?" Sebastian tilted his head and began to towel-dry my (e/c) hair.

        "If I died and came back without the help of the reapers, does that mean I cheated death?" I looked up at Sebastian again, holding his gaze.

        "I suppose. You were on the death list and Will didn't sound too happy." Sebastian nodded.

        "I have another thing to add, Ash told me to stay in the wardrobe until he got back." I noted and snuggled into Sebastian's chest.

        "That angel has too many duties I doubt he will. Plus you have nothing to fear for I am by your side, and I will not fail you again." Sebasitan said as he wrapped his loving arms around me.

        "Do you promise?"

        "Always, my kitten."

His Kitten, Falling Down - Sebastian x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now