Chapter 2 a.

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        "So, about that book..." I looked over at Sebastian and nervously began to braid my (e/c) hair.

        "Hm?" Sebastian was re-arranging the fine china dishes around in their glass cabinet.

        "The one you were reading last night." I stopped braiding my hair and handed him a few more dishes.

        "Oh. That book was just a case book I was looking over." Sebastian smiled at me as he took the plates from my hands.

        "What case?" I asked and tied off the end of my braid with a ribbon.

        Sebastian stayed quiet as he stepped back and placed a gloved hand to his chin and observed the cabinet and all of the fancy porcelain dishes, "Yours." Sebastian said as he moved some bowls and cups around.

        " I don't really remember what happened after this strange accident when I was around ten years old but I remember these men in black robes standing over me in a dark place and they had placed a branding iron over some hot coals and burned a brand into my back." I rubbed my head and sat down.

        Sebastian pulled up a chair in front of me and placed a hand on my knee. I opened my (e/c) eyes and looked up at his concerned face.

        "You and Ciel had been kidnapped by the same cult right after the fire that burned down most of the manor. The fire had killed Ciel's parents and your mother came looking for you since she was letting you stay with Ciel for a few days but the flames had engulfed the whole manor and it was too risky. She never stopped looking for you, your mother...she loved you a lot." Sebastian smiled a sympethetic smile.

        I stared at him blankly, a few tears began to fill my eyes, "That book says all of this?" I asked.

        " just has a few newspaper clippings of the manor burning, mysterious fires and disappearences of people...including a mother looking desperately for her daughter and nephew." Sebastian looked away from me for a second a little anxious.

        "Then how do you know all of that?" I sat up straight and wiped a tear from my cheek.

        Sebastian looked into my eyes and I suddenly seemed to be surrounded by darkness, his voice rang in my ears; "Let me show you how I know..." he said. Suddenly some memories flashed before me, once showed Ciel and Elizabeth playing on a rug in a big room. Another was of Ciel's mother and my aunt playing London bridge in the garden. Then there was one of me as a child sitting on my mothers lap, next to Ciel. She was reading a book to us by the fire in our house and we looked very happy. A lot of these memories looked as if someone had been watching both families secretly...waiting in the shadows for a sign.

        There was a scene of the manor burning, I could feel the heat of the flames and smell the smoke; it flashed in front of me briefly before the sound of someone screaming and the sound of a dog howling along with children crying.

        I started to cry when another scene of a young Ciel with a red cloth drapped over his body, hovering above the ground. White feathers flew around the area and a voice like Sebastian's spoke out to Ciel although I couldn't hear what they were saying...a hand with black feathers and long, black fingernails enclosed around one of Ciel's eyes, a burning sound was emitted followed by Ciel crying, screaming and trying to frantically get the hand away, a black pentagram appeared on the top of the hand as it pulled away, the iris of Ciel's eye had been replaced by a pentagram the same as the one on the hand. Antoher scene developed of a tall butler with raven-black hair and red eyes stood on one knee and bowed down to the small Ciel.

        Everything turned black again.

        I witnessed the death of my own adoptive mother whom was always killing some prostitute. The killings were so common, she had been labeled as "Jack the Ripper".

        Finally, I began to feel like I was being lifted into the air and I saw another scene of sorts that showed me watering flowers on a windowsill of my old masters home on a London street. I was singing happily and I accidently hit a blossoming flower, sending a spray of petals to fall onto a raven-haired butler and a blue haired boy below. I quickly shut the window after making eye contact with the butler.

        I had witnessed Sebastian's memories of what had happened.

        Everything slowed down and the blackness around me broke and faded away. I snapped out of it and saw Sebastian's eyes glimmering pink inches from my own (e/c) eyes. I blinked a few times and Sebastian pulled me close to him and hugged me, almost like I had died and had been brought back to life. 

        "I'm sorry." Sebastian whispered, hugging me tighter.

        I felt my face and I realized I had been crying that entire time. I burst into tears again and hugged him just as hard right back.

        Sebastian rubbed my back as my chest heaved and I hysterically cried with my face burried in his neck.

        "Please don't show me that again." I managed to cry out as I hugged him tightly.

        "I promise but it was for you so you could be at ease." Sebastian held onto me.

        I calmed down after a while and patted Sebastian's back. He let go of me and held both of my hands in his gloved ones.

        "So you were watching Ciel and I that entire time?" I looked in Sebastian's ruby eyes with my now puffy and red eyes.

        "Yes. I knew that Ciel was going to call me out and I knew you and I were tied together by fate somehow. So I watched you and waited for a very long time." Sebastian put a gloved hand against my cheek and caressed it gently.

        I placed my hand on his and gave him a sorrowful smile, "Thank you Sebastian."

        Sebastian kissed me on lips lips sweetly before getting up and making me some tea.

His Kitten, Falling Down - Sebastian x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now