Chapter 11 a.

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        "Hurry up and get out here!" Bard and the rest of the servants were trying to coax me out of a small changing tent on the beach.

        Everyone had been wanting to go play around in the cool ocean water and of course, that meant swimwear. Lizzy had brought extra swimwear just in case so that meant I was to wear it.

        "I-I don't know guys this looks a bit short." I mumbled and stuck my head out of the thick changing curtain.

        "I'm sure you'll look perfectly fine." Sebastian's voice came from behind a big umbrella, I couldn't really see him.

        "See? Just come out." Mey-Rin giggled in her striped one piece.

        'This is like being at the Undertaker's all over again!'

        I busted through the curtains and stood in front of everyone with my hands on my hips.

        'Just don't think about it, be confident!'

        "See? I told you it would fit well!" Lizzy chimed and ran towards me. Her swimwear was green and it matched her eyes.

        She grabbed my wrist and almost knocked me off of my feet. We were walking towards the big umbrella area that Sebastian had set up for all of us to hang around in.

        "Sebastian! Come look!" Lizzy called.

        "Lizzy!" I blushed and tried to hide behind her.

        Sebastian stepped into my view. I thought he would still be wearing his usual outfit but I was wrong.



        I blushed even more when he began to walk up to me. His pale sculpted chest was glistening from being in the water shortly before hand. A few strands of his raven-black hair clung to his neck. He was wearing medium long, black swim shorts and some beads of water fell off of him while he walked towards me.

        "________." Sebastian snapped his fingers, "________, did you hear me?"

        "Huh? OH! Sorry." I blushed, snapping out of my gaze at him.

        Sebastian raised an eyebrow with a smirk, "I asked if you would like lemonade."

        I frantically nodded and awkwardly shuffled to the shade and sat down next to Finny. 

        'How embarrassing, I can't believe I was that mesmerized by Sebastian.'


        "Oh yes, thank you mister Sebastian~!" Finny chirped.

        "________?" Sebastian's bare hand was holding a glass of lemonade out towards me. I noticed his usual black nails but not his contract sign.

        I gingerly grabbed the glass and felt my hand slightly brush against his. Sebastian sat next to me and put an arm around my shoulders.

        "At least it's cooler out here." Ciel murmured, his greenish blue shorts were covered in sand since Lizzy was trying to bury his legs.

        "I agree." I nodded, taking a sip of lemonade.

        "I'm bored." Finny shrugged.

        There was a little bit of silence except for the sound of the ocean and the seagulls until Mey-Rin screeched. Finny picked her up and was running towards the shoreline, he then just threw her in.

        I stared wide-eyed at the sudden action which caused Sebastian and Ciel to chuckle.

        "That's not very nice!" Lizzy yelled at Finny.

        "Oh come on, she's fine." Bard waved his hand and took a drag on his cigarette.

        "Are you done with that?" Sebastian asked, leaning in towards me and pointing to my almost empty lemonade glass.

        "Not really, almost." I raised an eyebrow and carefully watched him as I drank the rest, "Why?"

        Sebastian didn't say anything but he took my glass from me and suddenly kissed me.

        "Mhph?!" I was caught of guard as he too lifted me up and began to walk to the shoreline. I began to slap his chest as we got to the shoreline.

        He stopped kissing me and just looked at me. He still held onto me and walked into the ocean a little more. The water was up to his knees when he stopped.

        "You better not throw me in." I glared at him.

        "What are you going to do?" Sebastian asked.

        "I WILL-" I began to say something but Sebastian quickly tossed me.

        "I CAN'T-" I immediately hit the cold ocean water, I had tried to hold my breath but I panicked as salty water filled my mouth and shot into my nose. I flailed my arms around and tried to get my mind straight. Somehow I was very much away from the wading areas of the beach and I couldn't get my head above water. I tried kicking towards the surface but it felt like something was holding me down.

        I felt someone; at least I hope it was a someone, tugging on my wrist and trying to pull me up. My vision cleared and I saw a pale hand with black fingernails. The salt water was getting in my lungs and I could hardly breathe.


         'This is why I never go swimming.'

        Sebastian wrapped both of his arms underneath my elbows, I rested against his bare chest and he kicked his feet, making sure we get to the shore. He placed me on the wet sand and I coughed up some water.

                "You.." I coughed up some more water to the side of me and slightly dry-heaved, "You jerk! I could have drowned!" I slapped him.

        My hand was wet, making the sting of my slap across Sebastian's face burn a bright red. There was a very huge difference between his normally pale white skin and a bright red hand print.

        "I should have listened." Sebastian frowned.

        I folded my arms across my chest, "How many times have you almost killed me now? I'd be surprised if the Dispatch doesn't cross off my name and re-add it million times." I looked up at Sebastian, my (e/c) eyes gleamed in frustration. He would normally look back at me but he just continued to stare off into the horizon.

        Sebastian stayed quiet along with everyone else.

        "I think I've cooled off enough. Let's get out of here." I let out a breath and stood up, leaving Sebastian to sit on the shore by himself.

        "Miss ________? Are we leaving?" The servants tilted their heads.

        "I think it would be best for us to leave. There appears to be some rain coming." Ciel nodded in agreement.

        "Are you alright?" Lizzy peered into the changing tent where I was sitting on a bench, clothed and holding my head in my hands.

        "'s just Sebastian can be a bit sadistic and harsh..." I wiped my face.

        Lizzy walked into the small room and sat next to me. She rubbed my back soothingly, "I'm sure he just doesn't think about consequences of his actions very well. Everything will be better! You both always make up!" She smiled and gave me a small hug.

        "Thanks." I nodded and left Lizzy to change.

        Sure enough, rain was heading towards us, lightning danced in the distant mountains and thunder could be heard.  Everyone packed up and climbed into the carriage. Listening to rain lightly tap the carriage roof, I fell asleep with my head on Sebastian's lap.

His Kitten, Falling Down - Sebastian x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now