Chapter 2

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DST1: ch 2

I walk into math shaken up knowing that that scary deadly looking guy was my hero last night. How can it be... He looked like he wanted me dead just a second ago. What changed with him? Was he just nice that one time?

There is only one open seat next to me because I'm the newest kid here. I put my backpack on the desk and lean back in my seat. Just as the bell rings he comes into the room with his head down. He looks up and narrows his cold eyes on me. A shiver runs down my spine as I look down at my desk.

"Okay class, we have a new student to the class. So please make him feel welcome." I look up to the teacher. She talks in a nervous voice as Mason stands right next to her glaring at everyone in the room. "Why don't you take the empty desk next to Dylan." She says gesturing towards me.

I move my backpack in shock and I look down feeling his presence come closer. I gulp as he takes the seat next to me. I look up to the board as she starts teaching, and only look there. I feel his eyes on me though and I try not to squirm under his gaze.

As soon as the bell rings I look to him annoyed now. His eyes are still on me and I want to know what his problem is. I open my mouth to speak, but he beats me too it. "Save it." He says in a dark voice as he stands up. I look at him eyes wide as I coward back.

"But I-"

"I said save it!" He hisses at me. I gulp nodding me head. He stalks out of the room, and I follow shortly after wanting to get to lunch as fast as I can. I stop seeing Seth and Zac at Zac's locker. I look straight ahead and start my way to the cafe.

I somehow get by them and push the doors to the cafe open only to bump into a girl. "I'm sorry." I quickly apologize. She shakes her head.

"No it's my fault, I'm sorry. I was walking through the wrong door. My name is Lyndsey, and you're Dylan right?" She asks. I look at her confused.

"Yeah... How did you now that?"

"Oh Sorry, I'm on the swim team too. I got to go... See you around." She rushes out before hurrying after someone.

I walk to my table, and see the girls are all ready there. Taylor sits between the twins and Kailey sits across from Lauren. I take my seat next to Kailey, and sigh taking my lunch out.

"You're still alive?" Taylor asks shocked.

"What do you mean?" I ask looking at her tilting my head to the side raising an eyebrow.

"Well, you bumped into Mason West, did you not?" She says poking at her salad.

"How did you-"

"News travels fast." Lauren says taking a bite of an apple slice.

"Oh." I say looking down to the table and at my lunch.

"Well, if you aren't dead yet you must be on his list." Taylor says tiredly.

"His list?" I ask looking up my eyes widening.

"Yeah... He apparently has a hit list, which we are guessing you are on." Mikaela says with a sad look in her eyes. What changed with him? He seemed so nice last night... Except he beat that guy up no problem. He did it effortlessly, how could he do that?

"Only because I accidentally bumped into him?" I ask internally freaking out. Is he going to be out to get me now?

"Yeah, basically." Taylor says. "No one gets an easy out from him. No matter how little the thing they do to him was." She says.

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