Chapter 28

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DST 1: ch 28

Mason's point of view:

    I punch the bag before kicking it off the chain. I can feel her eyes on me making mine narrow on the punching bag that is now on the ground. I let out a breath turning around walking to my water. I can feel her eyes watch me as I take a long gulp of water. My skin crawls feeling her eyes on me. "You done yet?" I ask snapping my head to her.

"Look Mace, you have to learn to control yourself. If you don't you will lose." I roll my eyes at her.

"They probably know you are helping me train." I point out. She raises an eyebrow at me. "Considering they put us against each other in a fight."

"That was bound to happen eventually." She brushes off. "Come on, again." She orders. I groan rolling my shoulders. She has been doing this for the pass few weeks. That means my Angel has been gone for weeks. Every time she has me train I lose it a little more. I feel nothing anymore. Every punch I throw at my opponent gets harder and harder. I just care less and less.

    "Hang a new bag then." I snap at her. She groans rolling her eyes as she stalks off to the back room where more bags are. Why she didn't use the one I just hit, I don't know. The door to the gym opens, and my head snaps in the direction. Drake and Lucas walk in. Lucas has been doing some undercover work for us. Apparently they know where she is, but they won't tell me.

    "Mason, we need to talk." Drake states. I look to him raising an eyebrow. "Lucas has something he needs to tell you." Drake nods his head towards Lucas. I look to Lucas crossing my arms over my chest.

    "I don't have all day." I breath.

    "She is pregnant." He states. I feel everything stop. I stand there frozen trying to see if I heard him right.

    "Can you repeat that, I don't think I heard you clearly."

    "Dylan is pregnant, it's yours. They think I killed it." My jaw clenches as his words sink in.

    "Where the hell is she?" I demand coldly.

    "Mason, you can't just jump in. We need a plan." Drake stresses. I cock my head to the side watching him.

    "Then make a fucking plan. My girl is being tortured for all I know hiding the fact she is pregnant! If they kill my baby I swear their whole bloodline with be wiped out." I hear footsteps followed by a bag dragging.

    "What are you doing here?" Devil's Assassin spits her eyes narrowed on Drake. She doesn't like him at all, and he hates her being a part of this. No one trusts her. I barely trust her, and that isn't smart if I'm working with her.

"Not now." I hiss. She rolls her eyes at me dropping the bag. She crosses her arms over her chest tilting her head to the side. I ignore her looking back to Drake, who glares at her. "Aye, cuz over here." His eyes snap to me.

"We will see what we can do, but Mason we can't go in blind." Drake tells me glancing over to her.

"It's been fucking weeks. You have to have some kind of plan." I point out.

"This isn't a gang raid, this is underground street fighting. Along with trying to save a girl."

"Not just any girl." I force out. My jaw clenches uncomfortably, but I soak up the pain.

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