Chapter 9

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DST1: ch9

I get home and just fall on my bed groaning not wanting to finish my part of the project. I force myself up dragging myself to my backpack. I look in it for my history folder, but I don't see it. I freeze as I feel myself start to freak out. My hands pull at my hair as I stress out not knowing what to do. I do the only thing I can think of. I get my phone to text Lucy.

Hey, can you do me a favor?


Can you sneak into Mason's stuff and find his history folder. I need a picture of the information we have on the project. I somehow left my stuff at school.

She doesn't reply making me freak out, but she is probably just doing what I need her to do. I pace my room waiting for her text, but she doesn't respond. Suddenly my phone buzzes, so I grab it off my desk and look to it.

Hoped that helps 😜

I groan from seeing her text, which has no attached pictures. I lay down on my bed feeling hopeless knowing Mason is going to have my head. I hear the doorbell ring and wait to see if Seth is getting it. The doorbell goes off again making me force myself off the bed. I get up stretching as I head downstairs. Bear is already at the door with a toy in his mouth. I smile at him amused before I unlock and open the door. My eyes widen at the sight in front of me.

    "Mason, what are you doing here?" I gasp shocked to see him at my door. He scratches the back of his neck looking to the ground.

    "Lucy told me you forgot your project stuff at school. She said to come here, so let's finish it." He says fixing his backpack on his shoulder. I open the door wider as I step back. Bear greets Mason as soon as he steps foot in the house. Mason smiles as he bends down to pet a snorting Bear. Bear drops the toy from his mouth, and licks Mason's face. Mason chuckles before standing up and looking to me. His cheeks turn a slight pink shade.

"Um... Let's go work on it in my room." I say awkwardly. Mason raises an eyebrow at me making me blush. "I mean the project." I squeak. Mason chuckles as he walks towards me, and the stairs. I quickly turn running up the stairs to the safety of my room. Mason follows closely behind, and Bear follows closely by his side. As I sit on my bed Mason shuts the door.

"So, you need all of it then?" He asks taking a seat at my desk. I nod my head turning to face him as I move to sit crisscrossing my legs. "Okay, so let's do your part together because I already have mine done." He says opening his backpack. I try to keep the smile off my face as he gets up with his things and joins me on my bed.

Once the project is done I lay down on the floor tired. We moved to the floor to have more room, and now I'm too lazy to move. I feel Mason lay down next to me, and I look up to see Bear sleeping on my bed with his head hanging off the edge. I smile at him before I let out a sigh. This was nice. There was no fighting or arguing over anything. It was dare I say peaceful. "Where is your family?" I hear his voice question. I sigh very loudly turning my head to meet his blue gaze.

"My mother is at work, my father should be home soon, and Seth is out, I think, with a girl he is hiding from me." I can see another question he is holding in from his eyes. "Ask your question." I say.

"How do you know Lucy?"

"Long or short version?" I ask moving my head to look up again.

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