Chapter 15

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DST 1: ch 15

I hop on the island in the kitchen watching dad cook, which Seth helps with. They don't trust me to help because last time I almost caught the kitchen on fire. I look over to where Bear's dishes used to be and frown. I miss him a lot. I feel my body stiffen as she makes her appearance. "Get your dirty ass off there." She scolds me. Her eyes are on me, and I hop off waking out of the kitchen.

"Call me when dinner is ready." I call to my dad before running up the stairs. I can't be in the same room as her, and to make things worse my mom is home. Shutting my door I flop on my bed taking in the calmness. My door suddenly bangs open making my body go ridged. I look to see my mother standing there with her arms crossed over her chest. Her eyes narrow on me, and I can tell she is about to scream at me.

"Why do you keep locking yourself in here?" She questions. I sit up sighing, but don't answer. "You haven't even started your fucking chores!" She yells. I flinch back from her tone, but that makes her smile.


"Nope. Save it." She says cutting me off. "I want you to do your chores. Seth did his, and you got home before him. Get off your lazy ass and do your chores. Start with this room, it's a fucking mess." I just sit there taking it all in feeling the tears burn my eyes. "Don't eat dinner until it's done." She says. Walking away she slams my door shut behind her as she stomps away. As soon as she is gone all tears fall down. I look around my room to see some laundry on the floor, but that's it.

    Seth didn't do shit. I was the one that did the dishes, and got the downstairs together. I force myself off my bed and head to my speakers. I turn it on and hit shuffle on my phone. Music starts blasting through the speakers making me smile. I wipe my tears before moving to get my dirty laundry into my hamper. My door opens and I look up to see Seth, who frowns at me. He comes to me wrapping his arms around me, and I cry into his shoulder.

"What happened?" He asks in my ear. His voice just reaches my ear over my loud music.

"Mother." I sigh into his shirt. He pulls me back looking me right in my glassy eyes. I can see the guilt in them, but he looks away letting me go. He stands up turning my music off before he looks back to me. I watch him frozen as my heart cracks in my chest as tears slip out.

"She wants it off, I'm sorry. I promise I'll help, but don't come down." He tells me. I nod my head watching him cautiously. He gives me a small smile before leaving my room closing the door behind me. I stay on the floor just letting the tears fall. Every bad thought running through my head making me cry more.

    After who knows how long of crying there is a knock on my widow. I force myself up groaning along the way, and get to the widow. Opening it before looking to see who it is, and turn around to freeze as arms wrap around my waist. I'm turned around, and my eyes stare into those all too familiar ocean blue eyes. They darken as they take in my tear stained face and puffy eyes. His right hand cups my face gently as he rubs his thumb along my cheek.

    "Angel, what's wrong?" He asks. I shake my head stepping back. He frowns at me as his grip tightens keeping me close to him. "Come with me." He says pulling me towards the window. I look at him with wide eyes, but I can feel myself wanting to go.

"Where are you taking me?" I ask glancing at my door.

    "My house." He states casually. I look at him with wide eyes. I've never been to his house, and I'm kind of nervous. "Or we could just go somewhere else." He offers seeing my scared state. I nod my head even though I kind of want to see Bear, but I can't bring myself to be comfortable at of the thought of going to his house yet.

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