Chapter 23: Maya

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I notice the small things. The good and the bad, the gentle and the harsh. All these things are never invisible to me. I've spent so much time feeling sorry for myself in my life that I decided that I didn't want anybody to feel the same way, so if they were really good at hiding it, I'd still uncover it.

That's the case with Gigi. She did everything in her power to protect herself so people would never find out what she was concealing deep within. As does everyone else, she was convinced that even if she did show her emotions nobody would truly care and just carry on their daily lives after a few days or so. But I was different. Wasn't just curious, I cared. I wanted to help her, and in the end I did. She slowly got rid of all those fake friends that surrounded her and decided to stick by me. I love her to bits; since that moment when her eyes smiled truly for the first time and every second of the day afterwards until I may probably die.

We never get into fights, nor do we argue over pointless things and even if we did, I'd still love her anyways. She's my special friend, my confidante, yet I feel guilty about not being able to tell her the one thing that I've refused to tell anyone: the frequent punches and slaps my mom gives me. I can't admit it nor deny it because whenever the subject of my mother comes up, I become all quiet and avoid the subject. I hate her.

Yet it is in this moment that I realize something different to her usual daily pattern. She's not home every single night. It's a blessing for me but I silently wonder if that'll turn into a curse. I know life can never be too good for too long.

She arrives home, late as she usually does and I go down to get a glass of water. As soon as I see her I want to turn to leave, but too late, she's already spotted me. It would anger her too much to see me leave after seeing her and everyone knows what happens after that.

"Maya. I already told Darren this, but I'm getting remarried."

An immediate frown appears on my face. Should I happy for her because I definitely am not! She claimed to love my father so much and even became a drunken woman and now she wants to marry another guy?

"Who is this guy?"

"His name is Harley."

"I've never met him." I tell her in an accusing tone.

"Yea and you will soon." She says firing back harshly.

So she's marrying this guy that I, 1. Have never met, and 2. Will probably not like. My mom's taste in men is terrible. My father was the only good one for her and she still managed to fuck over his trust for her. She probably got proposed by a gold-digging doushbag, or on the contrary, decided to marry a snobbish monkey for his power and money. Either way isn't good for me. I don't want a stranger living in my house!

"We're going out for dinner tomorrow."

"Great!" I say falsely enthusiastically. "Just great." I mutter low to myself in a big change of tone.

Just, great.


Hey guys!

So in this chapter there is a revelation which might not seem major but to Maya this is completely crazy.

Her mother is replacing the last connection she had with Maya which is her father, with another man.

Is Maya going to like this man?

Will she hate him?

Should she?

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