Chapter 33: Maya

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I'm already only a few minutes away from home and all I can feel right is shit. A big hole in my stomach is slowly making itself bigger and I'm not entirely sure whether it's because I'm hungry or because of everything that has happened with Cale.

I arrive at my doorstep feeling nothing but pain and when I do I see Harvey sitting down on our main couch, a wine glass in hand and he turns to look my way.

"Where did you go?" He demands.

I ignore him and head towards the stairs. I hear him get up after me and I turn to look back at him as he makes his way closer. He's tall and overbearing. His face is tinged with pink, a feature I hadn't noticed on him before. Is he drunk?

"Maya, I asked you a question. How about answering it?"

"It doesn't concern you. You're not even my father yet."

"Maya, answer my question." He orders through gritted teeth.

"I was at the park." I reply frowning.



"With who then?"

"My friend." I reply now angry that he's fishing for too many answers. It's the first time we meet so why does he deserve to know?

"Don't stay out at night with your attire."

"Excuse me?!" I fire at him, both shocked and disgusted.

"Maya, your father may not be around anymore but I'm here."

"So what? You're supposed to become my new daddy all of a sudden because you just so happened to meet my mom as she was probably intoxicated with alcohol?!" I yell at him.

He balls his fist but remains where he is.

"You shouldn't speak ill of your mother."

"Maybe I wouldn't if she were fit to be one."

And I leave it at that as I escalate the stairs that lead to the bedrooms, entering mine, the first one on the right from the stairs.

I lock my bedroom door and sit on my bed, curled up in a ball as I hug my knees tightly.

How did I get here?

All the thoughts of Cale come rushing towards my mind. How is it that things escalated so quickly. I don't understand. I don't understand him at all, and no matter how much I try I can't seem to get him to explain.

I don't understand.


So Maya is pretty upset about the end of the night and obviously Harvey isn't quite helping.

What do you guys think of him?

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