Chapter 10: Cale

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I snap out of my daze and decide that right now is simply not the best time to rekindle the past. It's gone and so is everything with it.

Get her out of my head.

And so that's what I do.

As we fall into the water we both get completely wet and her once dry hair is now dripping wet. Why is that kind of hot? Then as we walk over to more shallow ends of the pool, I notice small and faint bruises on her body. But what strikes me the most is her bright red cheek.

"What?" She asks giggling as I give her a serious look.

Instantly I feel something in me click and that switch I just decided to turn off simply turned itself back on and won't budge anymore.


I hold her wrist and drag her to a more private part where I don't see much people.

"Who hit you?" I question her immediately, impatience well and clear in my voice.

Her smile immediately fades and she turns to walk away. I hold her wrist and stop her.


"Answer me!"

"Why do you care?" She challenges me. "After all, I'm only the annoying needy girl that always follows you around, right? So why do you care? Can't we simply go back to having fun?"

"It may be none of my business but that doesn't mean I don't care. And you may be annoying at times but that doesn't mean I would want you to get hurt. This is serious!"


"Well, I tripped and fell down the stairs." She lies, avoiding my eyes.

Just like her.

"Don't lie." I struggle to get out, my voice quivering with fear.

"I'm not!" She shouts confrontationally as she starts to nibble her bottom lip nervously.


"Maya, who did this to you?" I refuse to back down.

"Nobody." She insists while keeping her voice dull and monotone.


"Please let me help you..."

"Look who's talking! You're the one that always refuses help and I have a few bruises and I'm the one who needs help? I only fell downstairs while you probably have a problem that's more psychological, so tell me, which is more important? If you ask me, I'm doing just fine so stop fishing for answers!"

She's angry. She never gets angry. Why is she trying so hard to protect such a serious matter? Whatever happened to me is different from her problem. I can protect myself and she obviously can't by the looks of it. Moreover, I chose what happened to me.

I pull her wrist towards me and embrace her in a hug. She tries to push away then stops, letting herself relax as I pull her even closer. I wrap my arms around her waist. Feeling her bare skin against mine sparks adrenaline through me. 

"Cale..." She whispers close to my upper chest, sending chills down my spine. "I don't get you. I try to understand you but I don't. You hate me and yet you show at moments that you care and it's confusing me."

"I don't want to lose you," I mumble on an impulse and for a second, I regret it.

I let go, leaving a very red-faced Maya. It's the first time I see her this flushed and quiet. I want to drive her home but she insists it's not necessary and to drop her off at the gas station once again. I'm almost tempted to see where she lives to understand why she's being so secretive about it. Then I'll try to know who's the one hitting her. Maya may be annoying but she's also very sweet to everybody. At least that's what I know from my observation skills. Who could possibly want to hit her?

Leaving behind the thoughts of Maya, I drive off in the direction of my house. Home. An awful reminder of how much I'd rather be dead than go back there.


Hey guys,

So I've left you guys a chapter about Cale's point of view on life, I hope it's satisfying but you also get a sense of his cynical personality but for now, you don't really get why. Don't worry that comes soon!

(Do you ship them yet?)

If you have any feedback to give me please go ahead! And don't forget to vote and comment 😉✌🏽️

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