Chapter 25: Maya

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"Listen... Maya. I can't go with you after all. I have a few things to do at home and I have to catch up with some work." Cale says neutrally but his eyes give away a light sense of regret for something which confuses me.

What does he regret?

"Is it because of what I said just now?"

He looks down, his hands carefully placed in his lap, not moving an inch as he thinks of how to reply.

"No, I seriously have to go." He says almost sharply as if a realization had just hit him and I feel a slight sting in my heart as I can now recognize that he has lied to me.


"I'll drop you off."

"There's no need." I cut in, going for the handle and getting out of the car.

"I insist."

"My brother doesn't have practice today. He should be still here. I'll be fine." I reply bluntly with the same lack of emotions that I'm so used to seeing on his face.

No, not just on his face, on everyone's face. Some try to hide it, like Gigi, while others make it blatantly obvious like Cale, but this same emotionless expression is one shared among many when they don't want their true emotions revealed and right now I don't want Cale to know he hurt me.

"I'll be off then." I say quickly turning away before he even replies.

"Bye..." He says hesitantly before starting his engine.

I know Darren is probably already home with a girl to forget about the complications of working for dad's company and probably other menial worries, and right now at this moment I find them all to be too pathetic and too unimportant compared to what goes on in my life. At least his mother loves him. At least he doesn't have to feel rejected by everyone he loves.

I could hate him right now. But it wouldn't make me feel any better. After all it's not his fault my mother hates me. It's not mine either. It's her own fault. And it's not Darren's fault Cale can't seem to let me in.

The air is frisk and dry on my way home but I don't care as my heart is the one making me bitter and cold. There's school tomorrow and I have to finish homework.


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