I live with a vampire and his vampire servants [Chpt 2]

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Chapter 2 - Bite

As Jordan went toward my neck I braced myself for whatever he was going to do. But all I felt was his breath on my neck. I felt frightened. I didn't know what this idiot is going to do to me.

"I won't hurt you." He said and looked at me. "I wouldn't do that to you. But I am a vampire and if you tell anyone about this than I might just have to turn you into one of us."

I couldn't speak. I felt very scared. Was this guy serious? What the hell is he trying to do? I hardly know him yet he threatens me that if I say anything about him being a "Vampire" that he would turn me into one. Yeah right. I'm not scared of that. If - if my father sent me here then he's not one. My dad would want me to be protected not be threatened and scared.

Jordan backed away from me. "Follow me to your room." He said

I picked up two bags and the butler carried the other two bags that Nick left next to the door. I walked up stairs behind Jordan. He walked gracefully up the stairs. His beautiful blonde hair swayed back and forth as he walked. I couldn't help to stare. Although he says he's a vampire I might want to stay away from him . . . just in case it is true. Not saying it is or anything. I looked behind me and the butler was staring at me with these strange eyes like he was dazing over me or something. I looked back in front of me. When we got at the top of the stairs I looked down both halls. There were doors on each side. Who knows what's inside them?

Jordan went to the right and we went down to the end of the hall which led to the left to another hall with more doors. But we didn't go that way. He stopped at the last door to the right. He opened the door.

"This is where you'll be staying." He said

I went inside. It looked like the room was made just for me. The bed was in the back right corner. It had a beautiful shade of blue just how I like it. I looked to my left and in the front left corner there was a tan couch and a 24 inch TV on a stand. There was a bathroom to the left side and to my right was a closet. Next to the closet was a dresser with a mirror and a chair. In the middle of the room was just a wooden table with a couple of chairs around it. The carpet was the shade of my bed sheets. And in the back of the room there were glass doors that led out to a balcony.

"This is my room?" I asked shocked

I never had this much stuff in my room back at the house. I just had a dresser and a bed. Like I said my dad had to work two jobs to provide for me. So I didn't get much.

"Yes, this is your room." He said "I'll leave you to unpack. Call if you need anything." He snapped and the butler set my bags down. He bowed to me and shut the door when he left with Jordan.

I was left alone in my room. I put my bags that I had in my hand and set them on my bed. I took my clothes out and was going to put them in the closet. I pulled the doors open. It was a walk in closet.

Sweet. I never had a walk in closet before. This is awesome! I put all my clothes away in the closet and I set all my coats, hoodies, shoes, purses, hats, and belts in the closet also. I don't wear makeup so I don't need to put any of that stuff in the bathroom. I took my HP laptop out and put it on the wooden table. The cord doesn't reach the plug. Great.

I heard a knock on the door.

"Come in" I said

Someone peeked around the corner. It was a little girl. She looked like she was 10. She had golden hair that curled at the bottom. Her hair was in pig tails and it held it together with little yellow ribbons that matched with her hair. Her skin was pale. She was beautiful and so cute.

"Hi." She said still hiding behind the door.

"Can I help you?" I asked

She walked in all the way. She had a beautiful yellow dress on.

"I'm Sam." She said skipping over to me.

"Hello there Sam. Do you live here?" I asked

"Yes, I do." She said excited "I am glad a new girl showed up." She showed her fang teeth like Jordan's were. "I was getting kind of hungry." she said and took my hand and bit into my wrist.

I screamed in pain.

Someone walked in. "What the hell is going on?" Jordan yelled. "Sam!" He yelled and in the speed of lightning ended up in front of me holding Sam. "Let go!" He demanded

She let go and took her teeth out of my skin. There were two holes in my skin and the blood went down my arm. She bit me. What the hell? This little 10 year old girl freakin' bit me. What a demon she is. I was deceived by her beauty. I thought she was a nice girl but she's a little devil.

"What are you doing Sam!?" He yelled at her "I told you not to go near her! You're not strong enough to control yourself! Apologize to her!" He demanded

The little girl looked at me with her sweet little face that had blood dripping down her chin. "I'm sorry." She said "I can't control myself yet. The smell of a human's blood is over whelming."

"It's - it's okay." I said still scared of the little girl.

"Leave." Jordan said.

The little girl skipped off and left the room. Jordan ended up in front of me looking at my wrist. The blood still dripping down my arm.

"It doesn't look too bad." Jordan said "Come here." He said pulling me to the bathroom.

The bathroom was all white and it was big. Bigger than the bathroom at my house before. That's for sure. For being a bathroom it was beautiful.

He got white bandages out and wrapped it around my wrist. "There. If it starts hurting let me know right away."

I rubbed my wrist. "You're not kidding, you really are a vampire." I said frightened.

"Like I said. I am not the only vampire that lives here. There are others in their rooms."

"All those doors have a . . . vampire in it?" I said trying to imagine it.

"No, not that many. About 20 or so, I think."

"Why am I here? I'll get killed if I live here!" I yelled at him.

"No, these vampires are very well behaved."

"Not that little girl." I mentioned

"Sam? She's new. I let the others keep an eye on her. But I guess she got out somehow. That won't happen again. I won't allow it."

"So do - do you drink human blood?" I asked.

"No, I don't." He said and took out a little bottle. "I take these."

"Pills?" I said looking at a little bottle that had red pills in it.

"They help control the desire of human blood. This is what I survive on. I tell everyone to take them that live in this house. You have nothing to fear. Now that you know about us. You're staying here 24/7." He said


"You're being homeschooled this year. You will have all your classes here and all your academics."

"What?! That wasn't part of the deal! I never heard you say that was part of it!"

"I am sorry. But you live under this roof. You will not leave. You're stuck here."

No way! I'm not going to be stuck here with vampires! I won't do it! I refuse to.

"Dinner is at 6. Call if you need anything." He said and ran out within seconds.

"What?! I wasn't done arguing!" I yelled.

I sighed and looked at my wrist that was wrapped up. I sighed again and went to my bed and laid down. I'm so tired. I think I'll just take a nap. I curled up in a ball and closed my eyes.

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