I live with a vampire and his vampire servants [Chpt 8]

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Chapter 8 - Secret

I was in a dark deep sleep and my head was pounding. I don't remember what happened.

A cold hand touched my arm.

"Oh god, wake up. Jordan is going to kill me if he finds out about this." Nile said in a worried tone. "You gotta wake up kid."

I tried to wrestle myself to get my eyes open. I was in pain and it even hurt trying to open my eyes but I managed to get them open. I was staring at the ceiling which was the ceiling of Nile's room.

Nile breathed out in a deep relief. "You're okay." He said.

I sat up on the ground. My pounded more and I felt dizzy and shaky. I looked at Nile. He was covered in blood. His shirt was splattered with it, the blood dripped off his face and he looked beat up. I looked behind him and I just broke down in fear. The wall was splattered with blood. It looked like someone just painted it on. I felt something drip down my neck and took my hand to whip it off. It was fresh blood.

I was ready to scream but Nile took his hand and covered my mouth.

"Don't scream." He said. "The smell of blood is strong in here if you scream you'll call every vampire. Especially the ones who work here. It won't be too long that they'll all get the urge to come."

I heard something step on to the carpet floor outside the closed door. Nile took his hand off from me and looked toward the door. We were silent and waited for the person to come in. My eye sight started to get dark and faded. I don't think I can stay up any longer. The smell of the blood was giving me a headache and the blood that I was losing was making me weak. I felt dizzy and just collapsed back down on the floor.

I woke up in my bedroom. I sat up fast breathing heavy. What happened?

"Thank God you're awake." Nile said sitting at the table. He was all cleaned and washed up like nothing even happened.

I rubbed my head. "What happened?"

"I'll explain later. Jordan is going to be home 10 min with everyone else. Take a shower quickly. We have to get rid of the smell of blood on you."

I looked at my hand which still had the blood on my hand when I whipped my neck off.

Nile grabbed my arm and got me off the bed. He pushed me toward the bathroom. "Come on hurry up. We don't have much time."

I got in the bathroom and shut the door. Nile had already put clean clothes in the bathroom for me. I looked in the mirror. I looked like a train wreck. There was all this dried up blood on my neck that came on to my shirt. My hair had spots in it. It was all over my jeans and shoes. I looked closer in the mirror and saw two little holes in my neck. Someone bit me. Who bit me? I can't remember.

"I don't hear water running!" Nile yelled.

I turned on the water and took a quick shower. All the blood washed off. It looked like a fountain of blood washing down the drain. It was getting me sick looking at it. I got dressed and combed my hair real quick. I came out with my clothes and shoes that were basically drenched with blood.

"Give me your clothes." Nile said.

"What are you going to do with them?"

"Burn them."

"What? You're not going to burn my clothes. I can get the blood stains out."

"We don't have time for that. The only way the smell will go away is if I burn it."

I hesitated. These are my favorite clothes.

"Would you just give them to me! I'll buy you freakin' new ones." He said grabbing them from my hand.

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