I live with a vampire and his vampire servants [Chpt 20]

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Chapter 20 - Back to School

I was all ready for school and I was hesitating to open the door. I don't want to face Jordan or Nile. I wanted us all to be friends. Not this. I have to go down stairs though. Nile is probably waiting. I don't want to get in the car alone with him.

Someone knocked on my door. I opened it. Nile stood in the doorway. He didn't have a hat on.

"Yes?" I said.

"I kinda wanted to talk." He said.

"If it's about last night, don't worry about it." I said going out in the hall and shutting the door behind me.

"Well, I don't want anything to be awkward between us." He said following behind me as we walked down the hall.

Then you shouldn't have kissed me!

"It's fine." I said.

I heard him sigh. "Okay." He said.

We went down stairs. I was about to go head outside.


I turned to my right. Jordan . . . Oh gosh, why both of them in the same room.

"Here, take this." He said holding something out.

It looked like a pill or some kind of mint. It was round and white with green light spots on it.

"What is it?" I asked taking it.

"It's a mint I think it might help you."

"If you're telling me my breath stinks I can go brush my teeth again."

"No that's not it. It's not an ordinary mint. You've been having bad dreams lately, right?"

I nodded.

"I'm positive that will help you."

I looked at it in my hand. Looks like a mint. I put it in my mouth. Taste like a mint too.

"Oh Nile." Jordan said. "Did you tell her about Friday?"

"Yeah, I told her."

Good. Looks like neither of them know they both kissed me. Let's keep it that way.

"Kiara . . ."

I snapped out of it and looked at Jordan. "Yeah?" I said.

"Did you hear what I said?"

"Uh, no sorry I was thinking about something."

"I said the meeting will be in the dining room."

"Oh okay. What's it about anyway?"

"Um . . ." Jordan looked at Nile and back at me. "You'll find out Friday. I'm not really suppose to discuss it yet."

I guess I'm not going to get anything else out of this conversation. My mint started to get hot like something spicy. It's a mint. Mints aren't suppose to be that spicy.

"Hey uh what's this mint suppose to do?" I asked Jordan.

"Nothing much." He said walking away. "Get to school. You're going to be late."

That was not a straight answer.

"Come on." Nile said.

I turned around and the butler had the door open. His eyes were back to normal. They weren't dark like Thursday when I left. Weird . . . I ignored it and kept going outside. We went out back and got in Nile's car. I kept my eyes out the window as Nile drove to school. I can't make him feel left out yet again I don't really want to look him in the face.

I Live with a Vampire and His Vampire Servants ✓Where stories live. Discover now