I live with a vampire and his vampire servants [Chpt 14]

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Chapter 14 - Hanging with Nick

It was the next day and I got to sleep in. Nick said he'd pick me up at noon. I feel a little better today and have some of my energy back. That's a good sign. Before I just felt so tired but I actually feel good today. I'm glad just to get a weekend away from vampires. It will just be Nick and I. Like it use to be when my dad worked a lot. Those were the good old days. Now I hardly see him and my dad is gone. I haven't really cried much since my dad died. Actually I don't remember crying that day. I think I was over at Nick's house. I was sad but I don't know if I cried . . .

I was dressed and had one of my bags packed. I won't be gone for very long.

There was a knock on my door.

"Come on." I said.

Nile came in my room. "Nick is waiting down stairs."

"K." I grabbed my bag sitting on my bed and came out of my room.

Nile didn't say anything as we walked down stairs. I couldn't tell if he was upset or if that was how he just acted. Nick stood by the door next to Jordan. I went over and gave him a hug.

"Hey, how are you doing?" He asked me.

"I'm doing okay."

Nile came over and stood by Jordan.

"Who is this?" Nick asked.

I forgot he still doesn't know about everyone living here.

"This is Nile." I said. "He's a friend of mine."

"Nice to meet you Nile." Nick said.

"You too."

"Are you ready?" Nick asked me.


He took my bag from my hand and carried it for me.

"I'll have her back Sunday night." He said.

"Okay." Jordan said. "See you Kiara."


Jordan and Nile didn't really look happy. They looked more depressed or something. I think they're just tired because of what happened yesterday. I have no clue. I wonder if vampires have mood swings. They're just like humans . . . they just suck blood.

The butler opened the door for us. His eyes were still dark like yesterday. Nick didn't take any notice to it. I think he was use to the creepy butler but I'm still keeping an eye on him.

Nick and I got in the car and he drove off away from the mansion. Maybe being out of the mansion will help the vampires a little. I know I am a bother to them. Well, instead of Jordan and Nile. They're both my friends but the other vampires still give me glares. I can't really say I haven't got hurt from living there but I can say that I'm not dead . . . yet.

"Do you not like it there?" Nick asked.

"Uh - it's not that. I just wanted to get away. I feel like I'm in the way."

"You can stay at my house. You know that don't you?"

"Yeah, I know."

I just feel like my dad put me in that house for a reason. If he knew they were vampires, maybe he wanted me to do something. I still don't know anything about how Jordan knows my dad. Or even if he knew my dad. My dad could have picked a random number off the street and tell me to go there. I don't know. Like Nick said my dad was nuts. Sometimes he lost it in the head but other times he just acted like any other adult.

"Did you miss me?" Nick asked.

"If I said so you'd mock me."

He laughed. "I wouldn't mock you. I haven't seen you since Saturday. It's been about 5 days."

"Still . . ."

"Richard is coming over tomorrow. I hope that is okay."

"Yeah, that's fine."

"It will just be me and you tonight."

Just me and him. Sounds good.

"So how's school been going?" He asked.

Wouldn't know. I only went for one day. And the one day I did go I was dragged in a room with some crazy vampire.

"It's been fine." I answered.

"Have you been getting homework?"

Homework . . . homework? Oh wait, I do have homework. Which I never did. It was suppose to be due today but since I'm not going tomorrow or today. Ha, I'm so lucky I'm not going to school. I still don't understand how they convinced Nick to let me stay home. I don't know, I don't care. I'll take the opportunity.

Nick pulled up in the drive way and we got out of the car. I walked in his house and as soon as I did I looked down at the ground. I keep picturing blood spots on the ground. That's bad. I'm shocked I'm not dreaming about blood or vampires. That reminds me.

"How are your arms and legs? From, when you fell?" I asked.

He shut the door and set my bag down on the chair in the living room. "I've been doing okay. Some bruises still but they'll heal."

I went over to his couch and laid down. I don't have to worry about some vampire telling me to move off the couch. I can just do whatever.

"Will you be okay sleeping on the pull out couch tonight?" Nick asked.


"I would put you in the other room. But it's filled up with your dad's stuff. You could always sleep on the floor in my room."

"I'm not a little girl anymore, Nick."

"Okay, just saying." He went out in the kitchen. "Are you hungry? I can make you something."

"No. That's okay. I'm good."

So peaceful here. No stressing over anything. No vampires. No sight of blood anywhere. No one is stalking me. Yeah, I think I can live with this. It's beyond me why my dad couldn't let me stay with Nick. Nick is like relative to me. He's just like an older brother to me.

Later that night it was 8 and Nick and I were going to watch a movie. I set up my bed so I wouldn't have to do it after the movie. I got comfortable in my PJ's and sat down. Nick sat in the chair to the right of me. Nick pressed play on the remote. I don't really know what movie it is but anything is good.

It got about 40 min into it and I didn't get the movie at all. Nick was watching one of those murder mystery movies. I don't watch those kinds of things. I don't understand it so I just don't watch them. I can't tell who killed who or what. I was getting really tired for some reason. I had enough sleep last night so I shouldn't be this tired. But I am.

I was watching the last of the movie and it didn't make sense for some reason. I sat there and then all of a sudden the lights went out. Everything. I couldn't see anything in front of me.

"Nick?" I said.

He didn't answer.

"Nick? Nick where are you?"

I got up from the pull out couch and felt around me to where I was going. I came to the chair where Nick was sitting. I felt the chair. He wasn't there? I heard something creek across the floor and I felt like I had a mini heart attack.

"Nick? Nick this isn't funny. I'm going to kill you if you're going to scare me."

I waited for his response but he never said anything back. I saw something flicker in the corner of my eye and I looked over. I think there is a light on in the kitchen or something. Maybe Nick got a flash light from the drawer. I moved around the chair and started walking toward the light. I could hardly see what was in front of me. I went to go turn the corner and I put my foot in something without thinking what it was. I slipped and fell. I felt wet all over me. Did I slip in water or something? No, I don't think its water. It's too thick. I went to go get up and I set my hand on something. The lights all of a sudden flashed on and I found out what I fell in. I was surrounded by a puddle of blood. I was touching something and I didn't dare to turn around. But something told me to. I don't know what but I was tempted to. I turned around slowly and I found an unpleasant sight and screamed as loud as I could.

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