I live with a vampire and his vampire servants [Chpt 10]

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Chapter 10 - Cautioned

I was lying in bed trying to fall asleep. I looked at the clock. It's 12:43. Gosh, I can't fall asleep. I've been lying here for 2 hours straight. But, it feels a lot shorter than that. I always do my hard thinking before I fall asleep or in the shower. That's the way I am. But the only thing that has been going through my mind is vampires. That's the only thing I can think about and it's bothering me.

I turned over to my left side facing the door. I can see the hall light shine through the crack of the door. I was staring at the light but then I saw a shadow behind the door. Must be one of the vampires doing something. They don't usually sleep at night. I think . . . I wouldn't really know. The shadow stayed there for a long period of time. I got a little nervous thinking it was Drake. Nile told me never to be alone with him or Dominic. But, what if I was forced to. That would be a whole different story.

"That door is off limits." I heard someone say behind the door.

The shadow moved.

"I wasn't going to do anything." The other said.

I got up from my bed quietly and made my way toward the door. I wanted to get closer so I could hear who it was.

"I'm warning you, you stay away from her."

I think - I think its Jordan.

"Why do you have a human living with you? Do you know what would happen if the others found out?"

That must be Drake. I can tell from his firm voice.

"I know exactly what would happen if they found out. I'm not planning for that to happen. Even if they did I think I can cooperate with them." Jordan said. "You may want to go back to your room now."

There was silence and I looked down to the floor. The shadow left. I waited a couple of more seconds and was going to go hop back in my bed but the door all of a sudden opened up on me and I got hit in the head.

Ow. I rubbed my head and moved away from the door. Jordan stood half way in my room looking at me.

"Idiot. What are you doing?" He rubbed my forehead. "Go back to bed."

"I uh - . . . Okay."

"Goodnight." He said.


He closed the door.

What was that all about? Talk about not sleeping 5 min ago, now I'm really not going to fall asleep. It's a good thing my class starts at noon. Jordan is a mystery to me. I don't know a lot about him. He keeps things to himself. He has this lost look on his face all the time. When he looks at me, I can't tell if he feels sad or happy.

I was in my last class for the day trying to stay awake. I fell asleep at like two and you'd think I'd get enough sleep if I slept till eleven but I really didn't. Staying awake in class is harder than you think. And when there is just me in class I have to make sure I'm paying attention. Mrs. Gale will tell me to answer a question and if I just sit there staring in thin air not listening to her she's going to get angry. I do not want to know how a vampire teacher reacts when they get angry.

"I want you to do this for homework tonight, okay?" Mrs. Gale said.


"Class is dismissed."

Mrs. Gale disappeared in a flash. I picked up my books and went in the hall. Nile wasn't there. That's strange . . . He's usually right here waiting for me. I don't know maybe he's doing something. He doesn't always have to be with me. He could have just gotten sick of me and decided to stay in his room. I can find my way back to my room from here.

I Live with a Vampire and His Vampire Servants ✓Where stories live. Discover now