I live with a vampire and his vampire servants [Chpt 4]

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Chapter 4 - Nick's house

I woke up at 9 the next morning and took a hot shower. I'll be going to Nick's house today. I won't have to be with stupid vampires today. I'm so happy. Being with vampires is harsh. Especially when there are 30 of them in the house. What if they all attack me? I'd be a goner. No, no that wouldn't happen. I have to trust Jordan on what he says. They won't hurt me.

After I was ready it was 5 minutes to 10. Minds well go down stairs and wait for Nick to come. I got my white purse and came out of my bedroom. I looked around. No one was around. That's good. I won't have to run into any vampires. I made sure again there was no one around then ran down the hall trying to be quiet at the same time. I stopped before I got to the stairs so no one would see me running. I looked around the corner. No one was down stairs. That's good.

I walked down the stairs and got to the door.

"Going already?"

I got scared and turned around fast. It was just Jordan. He was sitting on the step with his back leaning against the wall and his feet up on the step. Was - was he there when I came down stairs? No, he couldn't have been because I would have passed him.

"Yes, I told Nick to come at 10." I said almost with my voice shaking a bit.

"Why so early?" He asked just like Nick did yesterday.

"I thought I would get a good start on going through my dad's stuff. That's all."

He stood up. "You're not scared are you?" He asked.

"No." I said with a stern voice.

"Just wondering." He said.

I heard a honk outside. Nick!

"When are you coming home?" He asked.

Home? This isn't my home. What is he talking about? I do live here though . . . I just wanted to live here because my dad told me to. But now that I know their secret. I don't think I want to.

"Around 8. Is that okay?" I asked.

He nodded. "Have fun."

I went to go open the door but that butler from yesterday already had it open. He stared at me with these strange eyes.

"Goodbye." The butler said.

"Bye." I said scared and ran out of the house and down the stairs. I got in to Nick's car.

"Are you in a rush or something?" Nick asked.

"What? No, no. I just missed you." I said making that up.

"Aw, that's so sweet. But I already have a girlfriend."

I slapped myself in the head. "Idiot." I whispered.

"I'm just kidding." He said rubbing my head.

Nick turned the car around and we left the mansion. I felt so much of a relief. I can now be comfortable with myself.

"How was your night here?" Nick asked as he drove down the road.

"Huh? Oh, fine." I said lying.

"Did you explore around the mansion?"

"If you mean exploring as in getting lost yeah I did."

He laughed. "You got lost?"

"Yes and it wasn't funny. Ni -." Shout I can't say Nile's name. Nick doesn't know there are others living in the mansion. "Neither . . . Jordan and I got lost again after that." I said looking out the window knowing that didn't make sense.

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