I live with a vampire and his vampire servants [Chpt 19]

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Chapter 19 - Return

I sat on the couch at Nick's house getting jittery. I got to the mansion in another 10 min. I don't want to face Jordan! He stole my first kiss from me. Thinking about just kissing a vampire that sucked another person's blood just creeps me out. Although he takes pills he had to in one point of his life suck blood. Oh God help me.

"What's your problem?" Nick asked me.

I turned around.


"You've been very shaky since we left the bowling alley."

"No I haven't."

"Uh huh okay. Are you ready to leave?"

What? No I have at least 10 min left.

"Uh . . ."

"Come on, let's go." Nick said.

"Are you trying to get rid of me?" I asked.

He laughed. "No I'm not trying to get rid of you. I thought maybe you would like to go back."

Well I don't!

I didn't say anything to him.

"You have to come back over this Saturday to go through your dad's stuff. We only have a few boxes left." He said.

"Yeah I know, and most of it is his papers from work."

"I can always hand them over to his boss. It's not going give us any information."

"Can I go through them before you give them away?"

"Yeah of course. You might want to. You never know if your dad put your birth certificate in his work stuff."

"You haven't found it?"

He shook his head. "I think it's in with your dad's papers."

Oh great that means if some World War III broke out I'd have no evidence that I am an American citizen or have any record that I'm telling the truth about who I am.

"We'll find it before we give it away. Come on let's get you home." Nick said.

Home? Ha, yeah right. I wouldn't call that place home. It's more like a walk in devil house.

Nick went over to the chair and picked my bag up. I had no choice but to get up and head to Nick's car.

"Do you have everything?" Nick asked when he opened the door.

"Yeah, I'm pretty sure I have everything." I said heading out the door.

Nick shut the light off and we got in the car. As I was in the car I tried not to make it look like I was shaking. I'm nervous. I'm too nervous actually. Why'd he have to kiss me? He's a vampire and I'm a human. We are two completely different things. It's not normal.

About 10 min later Nick pulled into the drive way. Here we go. To the vampire place. I felt normal these past days. Besides the dreams and the day Richard had blood on his shirt. I still haven't found out why blood was on his shirt. Or who was in the window. And the time I got bit while everyone went to a party. Speaking of that, Nile still owes me clothes because he burned them! I'm not really mad about it sense those clothes were worn out. Especially the sneakers. But they were my favorite.

Nick stopped the car in front of the mansion.

"You want me to come in?" Nick asked.

Do I want him to come in? Do I really want him to come in?

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