I live with a vampire and his vampire servants [Chpt 23]

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Chapter 23 - Move

I got rid of the boxes upstairs like I said I would. I found my birth certificate too. It was in with my dad's doctor appointment files. I gave it to Nick to put in the safe. Right now, we just got back from the store. I'm getting furniture moved in my room. I feel bad because I made Nick buy all this stuff just for staying here when I could be at the mansion staying there for free. But, I just don't want to go back. So I'll stay here with Nick and Autumn, after they get married. I can't stay with them forever. But just until I am 18 where I can do my own stuff. That's a couple of years from now.

A little later everything was set up in my new room. My bed was against the left side of the wall and I had a dresser on the left side right by the door. I put a blue fuzzy rug down in the middle of the floor. I don't have a lot of stuff but its fine. I can buy stuff later for my room. But it looks really empty.

"Hey Kiara! Dinner is done." Nick yelled up.

"Okay." I said shutting my door and went down stairs.

I went into the kitchen. Nick had a plate for me on the counter. I went over and grabbed the plate of spaghetti. I was too lazy to go over and sit at the table so I hopped up on the counter and ate there.

"Act like a lady and sit at a table." Nick said. "No wonder you don't get boyfriends." He whispered.

"Shut up. I don't need a boyfriend to be happy." I argued with him.

"Okay . . . whatever."

"It's kind of weird you and Autumn are getting married on Christmas."

"Yeah." He said hopping up on the counter. "It was Autumn's idea."

"I think it's a great idea."

"Yeah . . . it's not that far away."

"Are you nervous?"

"A little."

"Never heard you admit that." I whispered. "You don't have anything to be worried about. Everything will be fine."

"Thanks . . . So uh, you're not going to speak to Jordan at all?"

"No . . . I think . . . I think we're better off that way."

Next day at school. Nile or Ben didn't show up. I've been asking a couple of people and they said they moved away. One of the teachers said Nile did but I knew that was just a cover up for Nile getting out of school. But for Ben. I feel like he just went missing or something. It's a good thing though. That way I don't have to worry about any vampires getting in my way. Do you think Jordan and Nile understand? Is that why they are leaving me alone. It . . . it feels good being left alone. No blood sucking, no scars, no cold skin or sharp teeth. Just me and other humans. I haven't seen Richard . . . I wonder if he's staying away too. Or if he is just visiting Nick when I'm not there. Probably. I think all the vampires know about me. But, if they are out of my way then I won't get in theirs.

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So as the days in my life past, nothing really happened. It was . . . normal. No vampires. Nothing. I haven't spoken to Jordan or Nile for a very long while. Richard kind of disappeared and Nick and I have been hanging out. Autumn has been coming over a lot. Today is the 20th of December. Sunday. Nick and Autumn are getting married this Friday. I'm so excited. She already has her wedding dress picked out. It's beautiful. She picked my dress out. It's a red strapless dress and it goes below my knees. I have a short sleeve red shrug to go over it and red Converse X-Hi Tops. Kind of weird for a wedding but Autumn said I could wear them. They are cool. Especially with a dress.

I was sitting in a restaurant with Autumn and Nick. We were waiting for our food and Autumn and Nick were discussing their wedding. I sat there listening.

"What if we sat them over here?" Autumn said pointing to a table in a diagram she made.

"No, I don't think they'll like that." Nick said.

"Yeah, but Mr. Patterson is there. They are good friends of him."

"I don't know. Mrs. Finch won't like that very much."

"She'll deal with it." Autumn said writing something on the diagram.

"You've been very quiet." Nick said looking at me.

"Huh? Oh, no I'm just listening."

He smiled. "Hey, uh do you think we should tell her?" He whispered to Autumn.

"Tell me what?" I asked.

"Well it's too late now that she already knows that we'll tell her something."

"What?" I asked louder.

Nick looked at me. "We're moving."

"What?" I said shocked.

"Yeah, to Georgia. It's only a state over." Nick said.

"Ha, only. That's like hours away." I pointed out.

"Kiara sweetheart." Autumn said. "We already bought a beautiful house there. We already found a job to work out."

"Great money by the way." Nick added.

"And we have a bedroom there for you." Autumn continued.

"Georgia?" I asked.

"Yes, Georgia." Nick said.

"That's uh, quite a ways out." I pointed out again.

"Yes. It's a big difference from here." Autumn said.

"You'll like it if we showed you what the house looked like."

But, this is where I grew up. This is where everything is. How can I move to a different state? This is just nuts.

"When?" I asked.

"After our honeymoon." Autumn said.

"That soon?"

She nodded. "We were going to tell you sooner but we didn't know if it was official yet."

"Are you okay with that?" Nick asked.

"Uh, I don't know." I said looking down.

"We know it's a lot to take in." Autumn said.

"I'd say so." I whispered.

Autumn and Nick looked at each other then back at me.

"Kiara, if you don't want to come. You can always go back to Jordan's." Nick said.

"What? I - I don't want to go back to there." I said kind of unsure.

"Kiara I think you do. I've seen you sad these past months. You haven't had any new friends. You've been stuck in the house. You're lonely . . ."

"I'm not lonely." I said.

"Yes you are. Whatever happened there, I think you're old enough to take care of it."

I heard a slap sound and looked up. Autumn hit him.

"What?" He said.

"Don't be rude to her. Maybe she just doesn't want to go back. You're very welcomed to come with us Kiara. The choice is yours. If you want to go back to Jordan's you can or if you want to come with us you can. Either way you are welcomed to. Think about it, okay?"

I nodded.

I sat there in my seat already thinking about it. Should I go back to the mansion? Nick is right. I haven't had any new friends, I've been depressed, and lonely. Would it be a good thing to go back? Or am I making the right choice to go with Autumn and Nick? And I thought life would be so much easier without vampires. Now I have the choice to go back or stay.

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