I live with a vampire and his vampire servants [Chpt 12]

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Chapter 12 - Ben

I had every class with Nile and I only had 3 classes with Shelby. School was normal. Nothing really odd about today. I noticed that guy Ben was in one of my classes. I tried not staring at him but I couldn't help it. I have never realized how many vampires there are. I could have known some when I was little and never even realized it.

It was the end of the day and Nile and I were walking in the halls to go to his truck. Shelby said she would call me tonight sense her grounding ended today. I was walking behind Nile and then I was pulled into a class room. Literally, pulled into a class room by someone. I was facing the window and I heard the door shut behind me. I didn't really want to turn around to find out who it was. But, if this was some pervert I would have to be ready for whatever.

I turned around. Ben locked the door. I am trapped in a room with a vampire. I don't know this guy is use to humans. What if I'm his first victim? He could bite me any second and if he does I might not live. I lost a lot of blood last time.

"Who are you?" He asked.

"I'm Kiara."

"Why are you with him?"

"With who?"

"That guy. Nile. Do you know?"

"Know about the - blood sucking. Yeah, yeah I know."

He ended up in front of me. "Why? How do you know?"

"Why do you want to know?"

He grabbed both sides of me with his strong hands. "This is no time for joking. Did he tell you about it?"

"I'm not telling you. It's none of your business."

He pushed me in to the desk.

I'm scared now. What's wrong with him? Why does he care how I found out? Where the hell is Nile? Hasn't he noticed I'm gone? I've been taken to a room by a vampire! What the hell is Nile doing? I don't think I'm safer at school than I am at the mansion. I'm still stuck with vampires everywhere I look.

"You've been bitten." He said looking at my neck.

I covered it up. "What's it matter to you?"

"Did that guy do it to you?"

"I'm not telling you anything!"

I heard a slam and Nile stood in the door way with a bat in his hand.

"What the hell do you think you're doing?" Nile said.

I don't know if he was talking to me or Ben.

"What's up with the bat? Can't defend yourself." Ben said.

"I stole it from the baseball team."

He stole it from the baseball team? Yeah, Nile is definitely different from the other vampires.

"Let's go Kiara." Nile said.

I walked around Ben over to Nile.

"I wasn't going to hurt her." Ben said leaning against the table.

That's what they all say until they draw you in then suck your blood.

"You come near her again and you're going to wish you never existed." Nile threatened.

Ben never said anything back.

"Let's go." Nile said grabbing my arm and pulled me away.

I felt relief that Nile came. But, what the heck took him so long? Did he have to steal the bat before he came looking for me?

"Literally, what's up with the bat?" I asked.

"If he took his teeth and put them in your neck I would have beat the hell out of him with this."

As we started to walk out of the school Nile put the bat down at the entrance way. He still had a hold of my arm until we got to the car. I felt nervous because I could tell he was angry. It scared me a little because I still don't really know how he is when he gets angry.

Nile drove back to the mansion. We didn't say anything to each other. Nile let me out of the car before he drove around the back to put his car back in the garage. I got to the door and the butler had it opened. For some reason the butler had darker eyes. I ignored it and went toward the stairs. I didn't want to say hi to anyone. I just wanted to go in my room and shut myself in there. I'm sick of having to deal with these vampires. It's either at school, Nick's house, or here. I can't escape from them. They're just everywhere. I want to leave.

"How was school?" Jordan asked standing at the top of the stairs as I went up.

"I don't want to talk about it." I said passing him to get to my room.

"Uh - okay." Jordan said confused.

I heard a slam as I walked to my room. It must have been Nile coming in.

"How was school?" Jordan asked.

"I don't want to talk about it." He said.

I went in my room and shut the door. I locked my door and threw my bag on the ground. I don't feel like doing my homework. I went over to my bed and laid down.

I've been feeling so weak lately. I haven't been getting much sleep, I'm not much for food anymore, and I've been really lazy. What's been up with me? Is it because from Sunday? I was really scared that day and I haven't been able to do a lot since then.

I rubbed my neck and felt something wet. I looked at my hand. Blood? I got up and went to the bathroom to look at my neck. It was blood. Blood? Why am I bleeding? It dripped down on to my clothing. I got a cloth and wetted it and squeezed out the water. I put it to my neck and held it there. If I hold it there maybe the blood will stop.

I waited at least a minute and took the cloth off. The blood kept flowing out. It was coming out of the two holes from my neck. What the heck? It won't stop bleeding.

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