I live with a vampire and his vampire servants [Chpt 25]

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Chapter 25 - Back Home

I stared at both of them. Why the hell are they making me do this? This is so not fair! I can't just choose between them. If I choose one the other will hate me.

"I choose . . ." I said slowly.

I thought about it.

"Neither." I said fast.

"What?" They both said shocked.

"Yeah that's right, I choose neither of you." I said all smart and mighty.

"Wait you can't do that -." Nile was saying.

"Oh, I think I can." I interrupted him. "You never said I had to give you a straight answer. You also said when I give you an answer I can stay. Well you never said I couldn't wait a couple of years."

Or never.

"I think if you really wanted me to stay you wouldn't make me do this." I continued. "True love waits. So when I'm ready I'll give you an answer. But for a couple of years I want to stay just friends. That means no pressure or getting close to me. Just friends. You two got that?"

They looked at each other like I was crazy but then looked back at me.

"We understand." Jordan said.

"Good." I said shocked.

"We won't pressure you or do anything to make you feel uncomfortable." Nile said.

"Okay, I'm glad we understand."

I think that went pretty good. I'm proud of myself.

"I'll take your bags upstairs for you." Jordan said putting the bag over his shoulder that he was already holding and went upstairs.

I sighed and followed. I walked down the hall.

"She's back!" I heard someone say down the hall.

I stopped and turned around someone came running up and hugged me.

"Oh I missed you."

I know who it is. It's Gracie. I haven't seen her in a while. She let go of me and gave me a smile.

"I'm so glad you're back. I was excited when you first came and then you just up and left for four months. What's that all about?" She said making her smile go away during her sentence.

"Oh, ha, yeah about that. Just a little vacation . . ." I said making it up. But it was true. I was actually going to stay at Nick's until I was 18 but it turned out just to be a vacation. I ended up back here.

"Vampires aren't stupid. I know why you left. But don't worry; no one will harm you ever again." She said winking at me and put a smile back on her face.

"I'm glad." I said.

"I'll catch you later." She said and disappeared in a blink of an eye.

I turned back around and I was guessing Jordan was in my room already because he wasn't there. I went down the hall and my door was open.

"All your stuff is put back." He said leaving my room.

"Huh? What?" I said going in my room looking around.

Nothing was touched and just like Jordan said he put all my stuff back. He's fast . . . A little too fast.

"Thanks." I yelled to him.

"Yeah, no problem." He said half way down the hall.

I shut my door. The smell in the air is so different from Nick's house. I can't really explain it. It's really sad . . . I actually - I actually missed this place.

I woke up the next morning fully rested. I'm glad it's Christmas vacation. I don't have school all this week or next week. I'm happy. Its strange waking up in a different place. I'm so use to waking up at Nick's and now I'm here. I really never imagined I'd end up back here. Funny.

I got up and took a shower before I went downstairs. After I opened up my door. Nile wasn't at the door like he usually is. Weird . . . Well, I can find my way to the dining room. That's probably where everyone else is anyway. I went downstairs and to the dining room. Everyone sat around talking. Some of the vampires looked over and some didn't. I still don't know everyone's name but I have a feeling I'll find out while I'm staying here. I went over and sat in my usual spot. Everyone still sits in the same place. I looked over at Jordan.

"Have a good night sleep?" He asked.

I breathed in. "Yeah actually I did."

"I'm glad."

It got silent between us. It's still going to be a little awkward about the whole thing from yesterday but I don't care. If Nile and Jordan know how I feel that's all that matters. They won't bother me with it.

I've been having a good day so far. I've been hanging out with all the vampires in the living room and they have been talking to me. More than they have before. It was comforting. Nick texted me earlier and asked how I was. He felt kind of bad that he was pressuring me but I said it was fine. I actually thought pressuring me was good. The more pressure the faster I'll decide. But I'm glad I chose the choice I did. I can always visit Autumn and Nick in Georgia. I'm positive Jordan would let me go and sleepover for a couple of days.

I sat on the couch watching all the vampire guys play Call of Duty. I thought they played that last time. Whatever. I can see how guys react to this game.

"I totally got him!" One basically screamed at the video game.

Oh gosh. It's a video game give me a break.

"Having fun?"

I looked over. Nile was looking at me.

"Yeah loads." I said sarcastic.

"This is how all the guys react to this game." He mentioned.

"I can see that."

"That's so not fair!" Another screamed.

I laughed.

"You think this is funny?" The guy said angry.

I stopped laughing and I got serious. "No." I said

"Whoa, I'm just kidding." He said. "You don't have to get all serious."

Then why did you say it so angry idiot?

"Okay." I said.

He went back to playing his video game.

"That's how he acts all the time." Nile whispered to me.

"Um, yeah. I better get use to that . . ." I whispered back.

"Hey, am I still invited to Nick's wedding?" He asked.

"Of course." I said. "Everyone is. I thought Nick told you."

"He did. I'm just making sure it's okay with you."

"Yeah, it's fine with me."

Nile jumped over the couch and sat next to me.

Friday is the wedding. The day that Nick and Autumn get married. The next day they are moving to Georgia. That means, I'm not going to be able to go to Nick with all my problems. I have no choice but to stay here. There is no vacation away from vampires. These vampires are my new family. This is home

I Live with a Vampire and His Vampire Servants ✓Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant