I live with a vampire and his vampire servants [Chpt 5]

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Chapter 5 - Blood

"Richard?" Nick said.

"Hey Nick. How've you been?" He said about to go hug him.

"Don't touch him!" I screamed at him nervous. I covered my mouth knowing that was a bad idea.

"Kiara." Nick said. "What's been up with you?"

"I'm sorry." I said uncovering my mouth.

"Who's this charming lady?" Richard said.

"This is my friend's daughter."

"Oh, the one who died?" Richard said like he already knew.

"Yeah." Nick said disappointed.

Richard came up to me and bent forward making him eye to eye with me. "Sorry kid." He said rubbing my head then stood up straight. "So what have you been up to?" He asked Nick.

I didn't listen to Nick's answer I was thinking how Richard is a vampire. Does Nick know about them? Am I picturing pale skin and sharp teeth and don't know it? No, no it's definitely real. Who is this guy? Does - does he know who I am?

"That's pretty rough on her isn't it?" Richard said to Nick.

"Yeah . . ." Nick and Richard looked at me.

"Uh - did you want me to leave?" I asked.

"No." Nick said. "You're fine."

"I wanted to hang out but it looks like you're already doing something." Richard said.

"No, it's fine. We're done for the day. You can stay."

No, say no. Just one word would make me so happy. Say no. Go home blood sucker!

"No that would take away the time between you two." Richard said.

Yes, keep going. Go outside and back to your car.

"No it wouldn't. I spend enough time with her."

Oh no he didn't! He better not say that again.

"Are you sure?" He asked.

"Yeah, it's fine."

No it's not. Please go away. I already have enough of vampires. I wanted to come here to be away from them not to be stuck with you!


Nick shut the door. "Do you want something to drink? I made some lemonade."

Yeah he wants blood that's what he wants.

"No, I'm fine." He said.

Nick looked at his watch. "I forgot to ask Kiara. When are you suppose to be back?"

"I told him 8."

"She doesn't live with you?" Richard asked.

"Nah, she lives with Jordan Trent now. I asked her to stay but she said she wanted to do what her dad said and live with him."

"Jordan Trent, huh?" He looked at me.

Oh no. I think he knows that I know he's a vampire.

"Yeah . . ." Nick said confused. "Listen, I have to go to the store . . ."

"I'll go." I said cutting him off.

"I don't trust you driving my car." Nick said.

"Please can I go?" I said about to get down on the floor and beg him.

"Fine, I guess. But it's a long list." He warned me.

"I don't care."

He got his wallet out and handed me some money and a list of stuff. He got his car keys out of his pocket and was about to give them to me.

"Don't drive into anything."

I went to go grab them and moved his hand back.

"Don't scratch it either."

I went to go grab them again but he pulled his hand away.

"And lock the doors when you get out."

"Would you give me the damn car keys!" I yelled at him.

I hear Richard laugh under his breath.

"Here" He gave them to me.

"Thank you." I said sarcastically and got my purse that was on the couch in the living room then went outside to his car.

His car is a Hummer. It's kind of an aqua color but more of a light blue. I love his car. I rarely drive it. He's so worried I'll crash into something. I should do it for fun to see what he does.

I got in the Hummer and drove off down the road to the store. I'm glad I'm away from that guy Richard. He ruined my day! That idiot! If Nick has known Richard for a while now then I don't think Richard will suck his blood, right? I felt like an idiot back there screaming at him. I'm so stupid. I'm being paranoid. Maybe Richard takes those little red pills like Jordan does. That would be great if he did. That means he doesn't drink human blood.

After about 10 min I got to the store and started shopping. What he has on the list is weird. Sardines. Ew, no, I refuse to eat tiny fish in a can. Weird boy.

My phone rang. I got it out of my purse. Unknown caller. Should I pick it up? I hesitated whether I should do it but I decided to pick it up.


"Hey Kiara, this is Jordan."

"Jordan? How'd you get my number?"

"Uh - that doesn't matter right now. Why are you alone in a store?"

I froze. What the heck? I looked around. I didn't see him anywhere. How does he know I'm at the store?

"What do you mean? I'm not at a store." I said lying wondering if really knew I was at the store.

"Right. Nice try. You could get hurt by yourself."

"I'm not going to get hurt."

"I haven't told you, but now that you're living with us . . . you might be tracked."

I looked around making sure no one was watching me.

"Tracked?" I repeated.

"Other vampires don't like accepting humans into their lives. For that to stop, some, let's say will attack the humans to stay away."

"Yeah but that doesn't make sense because there is one at my house right now."

"What?" He said confused.

Uh oh. Maybe I shouldn't have told him that part.

"Who?" He asked.

"His name is Richard."

He laughed. "Richard?"

"Yeah . . ."

"Don't worry about that guy. He won't hurt you. The last thing he wants to do is attack a human."

"That's good." I said relieved.

"Just watch your back, okay? If anything goes wrong call me."


"See you tonight."

"Bye." I hung up the phone.

So Richard is a good vampire. I'm glad. You don't know how happy I am for that. Jordan said that theirs vampires that want to attack humans. I haven't really noticed vampires in this area of Florida. Then again I've never looked for any. I'm just going to mind my own business when I come across pale people, that's all.

Later, I got all the stuff that was on the list and went back to Nick's house. I came in with 4 bags in each hand. I looked down at the wooden floor. Blood? I looked in front of the stairs and the track of spotted blood led to the living room. I froze in fright. Tears fell down my cheek. I was too scared to go in the living room and look to find what had happened.

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