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"I really enjoyed, it was a good choice!" Scarlett grins at Harry, sincerely satisfied with the movie he decided to pick out. When it came to movies, Scarlett was kinda snobbish, she enjoyed a good movie and almost always she happens to dislike whatever blockbuster her friends decide to watch at the movie theater, but Harry had picked out a good indie thriller they both had particularly enjoyed and she was honestly impressed.

"See, I'm a man full of surprises..." he grins back at her, while walking by her side, with his hands in the pockets of his jacket. "You should see my DVD collection I have back home, you'd be surprised!" He exclaims, his grin only getting bigger. If she liked good cinema Harry knew perfectly how to charm her. When he picked out the movie he knew it was going to be a hit or miss, considering that only a fanatic, like him, would have found the movie fully enjoyable. His plan, in case she wouldn't have liked it, or understood it, was to explain it to her to show her his incredible knowledge in the field. He would have impressed her in both cases, so it was a very good plan to him.

"You're into good cinema?" She asks him, genuinely curious. She hasn't met a lot of cinephiles in her life. Harry, though, nods at her words. "How did you get into it?" She asks, as soon as she gets the confirmation she needs.

"Well, I was raised by my dad..." he shrugs his shoulders. He's not sure he wants to talk about it in details, he doesn't want to look or sound pathetic to her. "He works a lot, so I watched so many shit movies that eventually had to start looking for the good ones. After that, I was hooked!" He partly jokes and succeeds to make her laugh. While growing up Harry has never been a guy with a lot of friends, he used to spend a lot of his time home watching movies and by the age of 13 he had already watched all the movies — the classics — that his peers would found too challenging or boring.

"Workaholic dads... I know how it feels!" She jokes too and Harry slightly smiles at her. He doesn't want to talk about his dad, so he just lets drop the subject. When they both recognize the familiar entry of the campus the silence falls between them.

"You should really come and check out my DVD collection, though. My flat is not very far from here, we could drive there an afternoon so we would arrive by evening. Nice dinner and a nice movie... how does it sound?" He goes back to the previous subject. She looks at him interested while he speaks, because she really wants to. She's curious at the idea of his house, his own spaces and his DVD collection too.

"Only if you let me pick the movie..." she says with a wide smile, that infects him too very quickly. He feels very creative when it comes to dates he could invite her on, after all he never went on a date with anyone else before her and Scarlett doesn't make him feel uncomfortable for it.

"Deal!" When they cross together the gate of the campus Harry immediately feels the urge of not letting her go yet, he doesn't want to go their separate ways just yet. "Do you want to come somewhere with me?" He quickly asks, stopping right in front of the building where her room is located. Scarlett doesn't seem to keen on his proposition, or at least that's what the look in her eyes suggest to Harry.

"I don't know... it's already quite late and I have my first lesson tomorrow," Harry can understand her hesitation, he heard from Poe that his sister takes her study very seriously, unlike him and Harry. He looks at his watch and it's definitely very late. Past midnight.

"I promise we won't stay much..." Scarlett can't really tell him no, when he looks like that and is so enthusiast in spending more time with her, so she just bites her lower lips and slowly nods. A big smile appear on Harry's lips at her action, he takes her hand and with a wide stride starts walking toward the wood behind the campus again. Scarlett loves the contact to his skin, even if it's a such a small touch as their hands that are connected. Every time she can't stop thinking about their whole bare body to collide and she founds herself shivering all the time. Harry slows down when he recognizes the familiar shed in front of them. From the outside it looks very old and shabby, she's not even sure they can actually walk inside. If she was with someone else, she would have pointed out that there could be a sign that forbids to go inside because it could be dangerous, but she's with him and she doesn't want to show him her frightened and attentive side.

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